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GorgeousFaye in Blue Fox : Raspberry Ripple

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Thanks to Mr Mockle and someone at an SF forum I have managed to trace the movie with Faye Dunaway . It was made in 1986 and called Raspberry Ripple.








Now someone out there must have this on video; or know if its available on dvd, etc.

Please if you have any little treasures like this (I have still not given up on the fact that someone may have Dead Head and Lyndsey Duncan in fox furs on video) please do some vidcaps. Just freeze frames and use your camera phone if necessary lol! Then post in the gallery.


Rapsberry Ripple (don't you just love the word rasPberry when its pronounced properly? sexy) was made in 86 and is about a boy in a wheelchair who keeps sane by fantasising about gangstaer movies. Faye Dunaway is his nurse, and he puts her in the role of a gorgeous fur wearing (BLUE FOX) moll . She smokes a lot too.


I only ever saw a tariler of it where she steps out of a limo in this kit and its awesome.

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