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Jane Russell In Mink From Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

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That is a GREAT scene Madison; thanks for the reminder.

And thanks too for the gallery contributions; absolute class.


Yes it is, but it is a great movie with lots of yummy furs though.


I am having no problem accessing the clip, I will check it out when I retire from work for the day.


Funny ... It has Chinese subtitles


















General Tso Loves Blondes Too, I Guess!


Don't know but General TOS does!


and redheads and brunettes.



Anyway; as special gift for you Madison and all the other fans.


I should get a job around her as chief researcher; what with having to qualify everyting I say of general history knowlege to Lord; make the BEST archive of smoking in fur anywhere on the web; and getting all the political, anthropological/aboriginal links and lots of the timeline stuff ( I had to go through tons of archeaological dig stuff before I found the links to that Russian site summarised) etc etc.


Hope some of you appreciate despite my gob I do put a lot in around here for yas!


The ENTIRE sequence now vicapped in the gallery.





Thanks, ToS - the clip may have been removed (at least according to the message I'm getting).




This Just In: Gentleman Prefer Blondes will air on AMC (American Movie Classics) on June 3rd at 6:00 AM Get your DVD Recorders or VCR ready. Oh, and somebody post the WHOLE clip to You Tube, the movie has at least 4 Fur Scenes.


I now have a YouTube channel called The Fur Princess, the video is on it along with many other of our favorates. Please visit I think you will LIKEY LIKEY!


MAFP - do you have a link?



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