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Lorne Spicer in Blue fox

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Lorne Spicer is a British tv presenter of programmes about car boot sales, and beat the bailiff etc .


LAst night she was on Celebrity Master Chef and wore a classic eighties style BLUE FOX jacket!


No pics of it but here is one of her:



A major thing I would suggest to see a celeb wear such a fab obvious real fur coat on prime tv.....BBC too....millions of viewers.




I have this on Sky + to watch tonight!!!!!!


Don't suppose anyone knows if / when this program may be repeated? Was wondering if they might have the programme in question on the BBC site..


One step ahead of yer UncleJoe, sorry to say I can't see it ® anywhere, not even during the late night signing programs! but at least it's a first step for the oh so pc beeb & agreed it does Suck!


Its my opinion that there has been some sort of policy change at the beeb. Quite a few people have been wearing fur lately. I think they are testing the water. However until they repeat the excellent "Dead Head" that has never been shown again due to PC bigots because of the smoking and fur; I will not regard the BBC as anything other than a tool of social conditioning.


think we would all like to see this not just talk about it


I was hoping someone may vidcap it if it were repeated. Such good close ups that it could be done with a cheap camera.

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