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UncleJoe has passed 500 post counts!!

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UncleJoe, we appreciate your 500 posts!! In fact, when we are busy trying to work on the site, we are trusting that the members will posts quality posts that make our efforts worth while. 8)


UncleJoe has mentioned this a few times and I wanted to clarify something. He has implied his 500 posts some how is not important or he has done his share on the site. I disagree!!


Go to the membership list and see the people who are over 1000 posts, outside of ToS, most are admins or mods. Understand this is mostly posts that have to do with running the den. Not only does this take time to do, it results in posts in communicating with each other.


If our silent members each just posted a few posts and shared even one aspect of their love of fur, think of they could add to the site?


JGalanos started posting on a regular basis a few months ago now and has added so much. Madison has added another way of looking at our love of fur, she too is adding so much!


Just wanted to give recognition where it is due! 8)




Congrats Unc.


Thanks for your contributions.























Hey folks!!


Can't believe I've made 500+ posts here - doesn't time fly when I talk twaddle!! Anyway, I could go into an Oscar-winner speech (I'd like to thank the academy, all the little people who made this possible, yada yada yada), but I think I will spare you all from that!!


As for me implying my posts aren't important, I'm assuming that most of them are not in the main fur section, but the Old Den Pub bit. Also, I almost forgot the mention that there is a program with Saba Douglas-Hamilton visiting an eskimo tribe on BBC sometime this week, but I can't remember when it is on - sorry


Anyway, here's to the next 500 posts!!


As Linda mentioned, so often we forget the contributions of the members here. It is you folk who make this place go. You are the heart of it. Each time you post and with each individual post. This place would be nothing without each and every one of you.


Joe has indeed been a very valuable member here making great posts on great topics and he has contributed so much to this place.


Indeed we hope he will be here for many years to come!




Now if he would just make an upright avatar.

Now if he would just make an upright avatar.


I know how to do it; just don't have any furry pix i can shrink to avatar size that will still look good...

Now if he would just make an upright avatar.


I know how to do it; just don't have any furry pix i can shrink to avatar size that will still look good...


You can also crop. It's just an avatar.


Well done Unclejoe


Without you I wouldn't even know about this site!!!!


Thanx folks for all your kind words!!


As for my avatar - how about this one? <-

Thanx folks for all your kind words!!


As for my avatar - how about this one? <-


Must... resist... cuteness... overpowering... my... will.




Your avatar looks just like my Jessie!!



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