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Fur Caption of the Night

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Another idea I had just for fun so we have more interaction with fur imagery is to pick a picture and we can play at adding a homorous caption.

Certain images lend themselves to this kind of thing; as there appears to be some dialogue or situation which may involve the fur.


So my choice tonight is this one:




My choice for that would be:


"Oh dear Mr Holmes... fur threesome? Is that a bit like Gin Rummy?"


But there are all sorts of possibilities....where IS her other hand and look at the looks on their faces!


Might be fun.


Anyone got any images that lend themselves to this? Vintage black and white are particulary interesting to subvert in this way. There is a greetings card company that makes a fortune from it.


For the first one:




For the second one:


"Oh, I know it isn't very big but, if you can catch 5,000 more of them, I can make you another fur coat!"



Nice worker. I love this caption humour.


Anyway for tonight's image:




My caption:


A postcard from Canada:


"Dear all. Well I had to dye my hair blonde and move to Canada but at last I found my dream man; a mountie in furs. Best regards;

Tryxie Trash "


Postcard back to Canada from TOS:




"Fox... Mink... Coyote... Beaver... Sable... I think you're right, dear! There ISN'T a type of fur that we haven't shagged in!"


methinks TOS must read the New Yorker maqazine....they have cartoon caption cpntests with every issue, and now they even have the board game too. I bought it at Christmas and havent had a chance to play it yet....


Now then if I had been smart I would have taken a pic of what I bought today and posted it before leaving it behind on layaway




Thats okay you can post a pic of it when you get it finally and then we will put a caption to it


Come on, guys! This one is like shooting fish in a barrel!



(Click the pic.)


You ought to be able to come up with a MILLION good quotes for this one!

Come on, guys! This one is like shooting fish in a barrel!



(Click the pic.)


You ought to be able to come up with a MILLION good quotes for this one!


So to make it more challenging, make the caption other than quoting what she might be saying.


"Mrs. Davis always dressed up for talking on the phone, just to practice in case video phones were invented suddenly."


So you wouldn't think it's funny if I said:


"...Hold the anchovies!"



What is your quote, then?

So you wouldn't think it's funny if I said:


"...Hold the anchovies!"



What is your quote, then?


1. Too cliche.


2. My quote is right there. The quotation marks should have made that clear.


both excellent guys.


How about:


"Hello Dr Shelby you're through to Blanche.....

I'm sorry Dr Shelby Jane can't come to the phone right now....she has a problem with her chair....would you like me to sing "I've written a letter to Daddy?' to you.....?"

Posted (edited)

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Edited by Guest

And from now on, try to keep from mundane pics. You more to riff off of when the pic is silly, or at least unusual, like what touch just posted.

Posted (edited)

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Edited by Guest

Group photograph of the first annual Fur Den moderator's convention.


That certainly explains the 'glazed-over' look on their faces...



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