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Fantasy Models in Fur - Roninphy

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Posted (edited)

Welcome to the Fantasy Models in Fur Thread.


There are several existing related threads that discuss or comment on the edited picture gallery here at the fur den. I started this thread to discuss and show case what I call "edited portrait composites" .


Perhaps the best examples of these images are produced by Tweety who has been both a pioneer of exceptional photo realistic celebritycomposites and a very positive influence in my own exploration of this photoshop fueled genera of images. The object is to explore the artistic possibilites of photo composites in a realistic fashion.

Portrait composites are parody, intended as a form of satire. The intention is to poke fun at our perceptions and expectations about celebrities and others who are "public figures".


There are quite a range of images in the gallery but I am interested in distinguishing 'portrait parody' from 'cartoon -like' parody usually involving interactions between several figures( this genra and these images ae specifically not the subject of this thread).


What I am interested in finding out is how people react to various images in terms of the content and the associations the images evoke for various people.


Let me start the ball rolling .


The following three images of Famke Jansen by Tweety define a style and an examination of Famke Jansen in a photorealistic mode featuring her in a number of different furs that all reveal something about how she appears when showcasing (or perhaps showcased in)different types of fur. The images rannge fro Elle fashion to a more casual candid style








Newly posted images


Jessie Jane is an Adult movie actress, who has has morphed in reality as well as in this parody composite. Comparison of picture of Jessie early in her career and today suggest that she has had extensive facial and other plastic surgery. This image explores this theme and adds a black mink tube bra to the feathery mirabou jacket she was wearing in the base image. There is something surreal in her expression - unaltered in this image.




A fashion style image of Yasmine Bleeth, a favorite of the FMF and Stuff readership. Though less popular today.




A fashion portrait closeup exploring the intense contrast between Elene's bright blonde hair, the golden netting and the very spikey white fox fur. A study of soft and angular in a high key image.



A playful mixed media composite of Adult star Rita Faltoyano in the context of say a Julia Stegner fashion model runway shot.



This last one is an exploration of combination drawing and composite - this time to try to bring to life a literary character . The original image ( now much altered) was used to illustrate a Science Fiction story written by the late H.Beam Piper. For those of you who read Fantasy the character here is Polyamour from Lilith St Crow's series of novels. Here Polyamour is a redhead wearing a leather mink bustier.




I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.




Edited by Guest
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Posted (edited)

This one really got me :I think it is the theme and multiple alternating textures (soft and hard). Black stockings, reflective spikes of soft black mink, the black silk fringe and the the shiny black leather harness and the silver handled coiled wire whip........



(click picture or url below)




By the way the base fashion image had the black leather and the "accessories" no fur though.






Edited by Guest

Appropriate use of the word Awesome


Keep up the good work both of you.









Thanks for the encouragement OFF. To follow on

Here are some recent FMF postings on the theme of :


The dark lady, lady of the shadows or dame foncee



Mysterious Carmen






Aria Giovanni as a lady in shadow




The theme now reflected in the black fur outfit with models Doutzgen Kroe and Anna Semenovitch






Tweety's serious portrait of Angelina Jolie recalling Laura Croft




]Natalie Cruz in shadow




Jennifer in a parody of a classic Linda Evangelista pose







Some of these are real quality: some difficult to tell they are fakes; and some even look like paintings.


I have just posted a pic of Carmen Kass (as you obviously appreciate supermodels) smoking in a lovely golden island fox...but its just a collar. Could that be morphed and mixed with golden isle fox pic and a full coat put on her? Pretty please


Excellent work.


Thanks for sharing.

Posted (edited)

Newly posted to the Gallery three lovely ebony FMF


Three more portrait style Fantasy models in fur sable fox and silver fox (photo realistic style)


Tyler in full sable collar and sheared mocha mink



Tyler again in white mink and fox jacket



The irrepressible L'il Kim



The mysterious Rene





Edited by Guest

Been very rude in not replying sooner! Sorry! Grand work fellahs & I have to say I have a thing for Bjork...... can yer help!!

Posted (edited)

New or Recent Fantasy Models in furs : Theme Actress /Model and Her Choice of Fur


From Tweety


Three different but very revealing portraits: consider both actress and her fur

Sophie Marceau


Ines Sastre


Natalie Portman


(This last is one of a number of high definition fantasy portraits of Natalie done by Tweety, check the gallery for others.)


From Roninphy


Jamie Pressley in blue fox




Adult Actress Chasey Lain in rich sable runway style


(Click on image )



Enjoy & Cheers


Edited by Guest
Been very rude in not replying sooner! Sorry! Grand work fellahs & I have to say I have a thing for Bjork...... can yer help!!


Let see Furelli you are referring to Reykjavik, Iceland, native Bj

Posted (edited)
Been very rude in not replying sooner! Sorry! Grand work fellahs & I have to say I have a thing for Bjork...... can yer help!!


Bjork for furelli



(Click the picture.)


Our national cultural icon Bjork







Edit: Changed large picture to clickable image link. -- Worker 11811

Edited by Guest

Very good fakes like always


I am less productive than you, but I take time to make 2 new fakes.

You can see them on the gallery.





(Click the pics!)


Edit: Worker 11811 - Add picture links.


Hi Tweety


Your two new FMF pictures are flat out fantastic!

I know you like Natalie as a subject and she looks divine in her luxurious fur hat . Kate is just stunning , I like the composition and the the way you make the whole image seamless. Kate is just utterly surrounded the most appealing fur.


I 'll be watching for your next post.




Posted (edited)

Jessie Jane Dyed Blue mink


This one was stimulated by a runway shot where the fur way outclassed the original model IMHO- so I thought that introducing adult star Jessie Jane would make the image more lively. The result is posted in the gallery and shown below



(Click the picture)





Edit: Worker 11811 - Repaired broken link.

Edited by Guest

Folks, please post photos in our Gallery and link to them via thumbnails here.


A quick read of this will give you our images policy. Photo in the Gallery if possible. Thumbnail and link to the image in the forums only.




This makes loading of forums threads much faster, and photos are stored in the Gallery.


For simple instructions on how to do it click here...



Thanks all.




White Fox;


I already noticed that picutre. It is my belief that it was *NOT* Ronin's intention to post a full size picture. I believe it was because of a mistake in coding the tags. One wrong letter and they screw up on you.


I WAS going to repair that link but I wanted to give the poster a chance to fix it himself. I didn't want to get into a "simultaneous edit" situation. I will, now, go ahead and make the change.


Edit by White. Thanks Worker. Had just realized that myself. You will see my note in the back room forum that we need a little more info on this in our new rules area.


Hi Guys


Thanks for correcting the linking code in my previous post. I did follow what I thought were the coding rules. My making a case or keystroke error is the probable culprit here. I will PM you about the amended coding graciously supplied by Worker because on my screen it is slightly different than the guidelines you referred to. Of course it is also possible that I am just being a unwitting "Crash Test Dummy" when it comes to HTML (LOL)

Thanks again


All the best



I don't remember exactly what the problem was (loss of too many brain cells in my college years) but it was a very minor mistake. I think it was a missing slash mark in one of the tags.

( I think you typed ""%20when%20"" was called for.)


Minor problem. No worries. I make that mistake quite often, myself!


Two new FMF Danielle Lloyd and Doutzen Kroes


These Fantasy models in fur explore two different current photography genres High fashion what our French friends call"haute couture" and Penthouse/ Playboy style genre.


In the first image FMF and Style Model Celebrity Danielle Lloyd is crossed over into the ' Haute Couture zone" The fur and lighting in the original image were superb but the original model had a humorless expression ( akin IMHO to "I just had a case of prunes for breakfast" also her blouse was uninspiring. I thought an "improvement was called for" I hope that you like the crossover result posted in the composite images gallery here.





The second image does the logical reverse.



Runway Supermodel Doutzen Kroes placed in a Glamour men's magazine context in this case a Playboy/ Penthouse setting and pose. No pixels were stapled, spindled or mutilated in the production of these images.




Posted (edited)

One satiric element of FMF images is the is the chance to visually address Hollywood Hypocracy particularly in the matter of those celebrities who have a sudden "conversion" to an anti fur position.

I was thinking about this and was stimulated to write this comment by seeing Chubby's great edited image> I mean this one says it all!

: Chubby's Charlize


[url(click the picture to see gallery image )Working the same theme, but with a different approach I have done several Charlize in furs images over the last year or so. I am struck by the wide range of expression and mood that can be created by combining a known celebrity with a specific fur and setting.


Charlize has been particularly vocal about her new allegiance to the People Eating Tasty Animals platform. It is more than a little ironic that she has previously posed in fashion magazines wearing furs.

I guess I have just been playing with the notion that has yet to to become apparent to Ms Theron- She just looks better in furs !


thumb_FMF_Charlize_white_fox_.jpg thumb_FMF_Charlize_white_mink_and_fox.jpg thumb_FMF_Charlize_fur_collar_05.jpg


Ah... what it must be like to have your " press agent " do your thinking for you ......




Edited by Guest

FMF Kimberly Donley as a high fashion fur model


(Click on image to see larger gallery image)

I was struck by the possibilities in the dark/ blonde contrast in her hair and went with the subtle white and black color interplay in her silver fox coat. Kimberly appears to me to be both elegant and vibrant somehow more real world that is without the emaciated otherworldly appearance of some of todays top runway models.





This one is a little bit of a double pun.

Iceland has two rather large north Atlantic neighbors to the west namely Canada and the US.


So when I saw an image of Esther Canada(s) I thought of the national colors of Canada (red and white) and came up with this image.


Esther Canadas


(Click on image to see larger Gallery image)


I avoided the impulse to tack on a maple leaf for good measure !

For my American friends the double entre is here is Esther Canadas all decked out in red white and blue (eyes) for your fourth of july celebration!




One satiric element of FMF images is the is the chance to visually address Hollywood Hypocracy particularly in the matter of those celebrities who have a sudden "conversion" to an anti fur position.

Working the same theme, but with a different approach I have done several Charlize in furs images over the last year or so. I am struck by the wide range of expression and mood that can be created by combining a known celebrity with a specific fur and setting.


Charlize has been particularly vocal about her new allegiance to the People Eating Tasty Animals platform. It is more than a little ironic that she has previously posed in fashion magazines wearing furs.


Thanks to LordthenightKnight for posting these fine examples

thumb_charvanityfair42.jpg thumb_charvanityfair41.jpg

I guess I have just been playing with the notion that has yet to to become apparent to Ms Theron- She just looks better in furs !


thumb_FMF_Charlize_white_fox_.jpg thumb_FMF_Charlize_white_mink_and_fox.jpg


Ah... what it must be like to have your " press agent " do your thinking for you ......





This one stirred up a little action - though not on this thread, I got a PM from an individual who thought I would enjoy a certain U tube video. Pure People Eating Tasty Animals polemical pablum. Its a nice trick that PM routing with a misleading message because the mods wiil stamp out an open post - but the PM is off the radar. Anyway small fascist minds are hard to figure.


I did not send a flaming response or respond at all by PM just this public point "a thing of beauty is a joy forever "


More Charlize Theron in furs !

thumb_FMF_Charlize_Harlequin_mink.jpg thumb_FMF_Charlize_Theron_Blk_Fox.jpg

She just looks better in furs !

Cheers Roninphy


Monica Bellucci is one of my favorite celebrities. She is an excellent actress and has demonstrated enormous dramatic range from Malena to the Matrix and beyond. As a model she has been photographed by all the contemporary greats and is an unabashed advocate of furs. In her personal appearances she often wears fur particularly rich dark sables and mink.


I have just posted a new FMF of Monica Belluci in the Gallery


(Click Image to see larger Gallery Image)

In this image I was aiming for a more painterly effect, utilizing a darker color palate to enhance Monica's Classic features and natural brunette colors. I was seeking a way to cast her in a more alluring pose( a la the dark lady series I posted here earlier) I think her natural colors are enhanced and emphasized with her outstanding dyed dark green mink.


I have posted several other Monica in furs portrait type images in the Gallery. Most are done in a Tweety influenced style casting Monica as a runway model or in a pseudo fashion editorial. My goal is to create images that are believable fakes as it were. (No sly augmentations or distortions please !)

thumb_FMF_Monica_Chinchilla.jpg thumb_FMF_Monica_in_furs_II__.jpg

(Click Image to see larger Gallery Image)


There are are more Monica Bellucci images in the Gallery search" FMF Monica Belluci"to see them all

Cheers to all


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