furrycocoon Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 Hi,everyone.What was the first coat or fur item you ever bought.Describe what it was and the experiences you had .For me it was a rabbit coat.They were popular and inexpensive.I really liked rabbit then around 1984 ,then progressed thru to fox etc.
FrBrGr Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 The first fur item I bought was a rabbit fur stole. The first fur coat I bought was also made from bunny fur. As for my experiences with them (as well as the 100's that followed) for the purposes of this forum, suffice it to say that I thought they were really pretty and really soft . . . Any more details would have to appear in a fur fetish forum . . .
FurLoverinFL Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 I have to confess, I didn't get my first fur coat until I was about 39. It was a full length coyote coat that was owned by a professional lady wrestler who was 'kind enough' to send me a few pictures of her wearing the coat inside the ring. After moving several times in a 2 year span, I somehow misplaced the photos... unless the damn movers stole 'em! FLinFL
sethsable Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 I bought my first coat four years ago. A full length crystal fox.
JGalanos Posted June 25, 2007 Posted June 25, 2007 (edited) Message deleted. Edited June 30, 2007 by Guest
Guest Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 If I don't count the two Mink "Scarf" I bought my mom when I was in Jr. High School. You know the kind with aligator clip mouth they wore as a scarf. Mom would on rare occation wear it to church. My first purchase for me was in college when I was 22 or 23. A sheared Beaver jacket. I wore it out. still love sheared Beaver. The second was when I was about 30. A Muskrat from an second hand store. I fell appart eventually. OFF
Sobel Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 I bought my first fur when I was 26. Full lenght coyote coat and I still have it.
Joe Posted June 26, 2007 Posted June 26, 2007 The first fur item I ever "procured" was my Nonna's (Grandma's) huge arctic fox fur collar from the 1940s. I also managed to "borrow" her brown mouton lamb cape-coat that she never wore. I was about seven at the time; ten years later, my very knowing Nonna gave me a gray rabbit fur eskimo parka for Christmas! It was incredible - the whole family tried the coat on, my little cousins cuddled up to it, and of course that coat certainly came in handy when I went to Alaska the next year. I still remember turning the roomy fur inside-out and wearing it underneath a huge goretex shell!!! I didn't really wear the fur parka much back east after that, being in high school...it came out a few odd times but we stored it in a cedar closet until after I graduated college. I rediscovered the fur in '98 after years of placing my fur fetish on the back-burner...we all remember that day when we typed those three magic letters into the internet. My first eBay fur was a blue fox full-pelt jacket from the 70s with a huge, soft + fluffy notched standup collar. Those of you who knew me in the first Fur Den might remember my posts about it in September 2000! My then-girlfriend and I discovered our first sexual fur experience with that blue fox. The rabbit fur parka, after years of neglect, coarsened up a bit; it really should have been cold-stored. I traded it in New York with the rest of my 'good' fur collection five years ago and bought a full-length men's coyote coat. But that arctic fur collar, the piece that started it all, I still have... Wow. Now, I'm missing our "How it all started" thread! I wish I had saved my story before we moved to Melody - it was my very, very first post seven years ago. ciaociao J.
paul2809 Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 my first fur was a full lenght white rabbit coat. I loved that coat soo much. Some of the best memories that Ive had of loving fur. I found it at a second hand store where I used to live. Regretfully I had to get rid of it a year or two later. It was just one of those older furs that had some minor things in it but it was only good for round the house for things . If I could find my self another full lenght rabiit, id love that or maybe find a furrier that would custom make me one in my size. I would love that. Something in a darker colored rabbit. dark brown or black rabbit maybe. Just ideas. Id love to have one in a size 48 to a 54 to fit me comfortably.
fox4me Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 My first purchase was a floor legenth blue fox coat that I had custom made for myself. I remember walking into the fur salon and could hardly keep my heart from beating out of my chest. When asked what I wanted, it raised a few eyebrows at first. I loved the attention I received while trying on furs just to get an idea of what I wanted. I put on every coat that interested me. What a day that was. While being measured,I remember telling the furrier that I wanted a really big fur collar on the coat. He said it was a womans style but I didn't care. I got exactly what I wanted and still wear my coat every chance I get. I bought a ranch mink with a big fox collar from the same furrier a few years ago. The second time was just as exciting as the first.
icepilot Posted June 27, 2007 Posted June 27, 2007 The first item I purchased myself was a pair of rabbit fur lined gloves. Not an unusual purchase for a young boy. After a few "modifications" (read that rip out the lining and throw away the rest) they performed wonderfully and I knew I was hooked. In the 70s you could easily find rabbit fur purses and girls hats. My next purchase was a bit more bold (a purse). I of course was flushed and had dry mouth and a rapid heartbeat at the register like I was a kid buying porn or something. (to me I guess I was). I think the only comment was "what a nice boy to buy your sister such a lovely gift!". Wow....that is a good cover story, and one I used as I later purchased another purse and later a hat. I could not afford much as a teenager. In college I could afford and be comfortable with purchasing a few bunny fur pelts at tourist shops. These were great as they contained no other accessories to get in the way or require modification. I did however, always feel guilty buying this stuff as I had not yet fully accepted my fetish. Thank goodness bunny fur coats were popular in the 80s. I purchased my first coat in my early 20s. Man, I was in heaven now! Still used the gift for my sister cover story. My first non rabbit fur item was a rather thin blue fox jacket. Now I can purchase without guilt or cover story...I just wish I had the money to afford the higher end stuff that my tastes have evolved to! Even though I have some lynx and fox and LOVE them, I still have a great love and a special place in my heart for a nice rabbit coat.
RonGav Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 Being about 40 years ago it's a little blurred.. but I believe when I started dating my eventual first wife back in the 60's, I urged her to latch on to her Mom's skunk jacket (very popular in the 40's). We'd take nighttime walks just so I get her to wear that jacket. (Pig!) Soon after I bought her a used muskrat coat and raccoon jacket. Being a college kid I couldn't afford much more in those pre-eBay days. Once we were engaged about a year later, I bought her a new full length black rabbit coat. That was a big deal for each of us as rabbit coats were very "in" back in 1968. After buying a couple of more rabbit jackets, I finally convinced her (yes, had to convince her) that we should buy her a mink coat. That was in 1973 prior to her 10 year high school reunion. Being totally self conscious, I never purchased anything speficially for me until I was in my early 50's and remarried. Then I bought my life's dream -- a raccoon coat, then a beaver coat, a coyote coat, replaced the raccoon coat, a raccoon jacket and recently a mink/leather jacket. All the while I have bought my new wife a bunch of new and nice used furs. I just regret it took so long to get over my self conscious attitude and say the hell with it and do what I wanted to do all along. To those guys that are putting off buying themselves a coat for reasons other than money. -- GET OVER IT!
furup Posted June 28, 2007 Posted June 28, 2007 my first fur was a hooded coyote jacket. I purchased it in 1984 and then met my Mother as she was getting off the plane from Hawaii it was mid feburary and she was shocked to see me in a coyote. That coat died a few year later and was dispofed in 2002. Since then I have aquired a few more furs this year 14 were put into storage.
wallee Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 A dryed out, moth eaten, shedding worse then a 15 year old cat, indeterminent type of Fox for $75 including shipping off of ebay. It hung untouched in the closet until I threw it in the garbage two weeks ago.
JGalanos Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 (edited) Message deleted. Edited June 30, 2007 by Guest
wallee Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 Gee, Wallee, sounds like you "bagged" a bargain. 8) It was definitely a memorable first buy.
Dappleboy Posted June 29, 2007 Posted June 29, 2007 about 2 years ago, i convinced my ex to buy a coat off ebay. found a fantastic deal on a full length blue fox. on the day it arrived she gave me one hell of a surprise when i arrived at her place after work.
Kappa Posted June 30, 2007 Posted June 30, 2007 It wasn't until I met the girlfriend about 7 years ago now. I found a good price on a dyed rex rabbit full length coat with dyed fox collar and cuffs. Since she got it that year for her birthday, the two of us have expanded her fur wardrobe considerably. Until she got that, her idea of a fur was simply rabbit by itself. Now she's aquired different minks mostly. We're always expanding her wardrobe in this area. I've learned it's not easy finding someone that shares this interest.
foxkid Posted July 1, 2007 Posted July 1, 2007 I was lucky enough to "rescue" an old over-sized mink wrap my nan had only worn once in the 80's that she was too scared to wear out thanks to the lovely people in PeTA. I was about 14 at the time, and it was just over 7 years ago. I got away with converting them into a make shift pair of boxer shorts, and used the fox trim down the center part that divided the two halves of the shorts. They lasted a number of years and I wore them religiously to bed and some times in the day during the cold winter. I think 4 years later I found this place round the age of 17 or 18, and promptly upgraded my bank account so I could register on eBay and Paypal. I think the first thing I got was a rabbit, and then I managed to bag an arctic fox which was heaven, even though the pelts where starting to dry, it was great fun while it lasted and I soon managed to fill it's gap once I started working. I've manged to work my way up, I have a few mens coats lined in fur that I wear out quite a bit and a few play items. I also have a kit fox blanket (which may not be as nice a normal fox blanket, but it's nicer than coyote). This is great as it's quite rugged and therefore I'm not afraid to leave it on the bed so a couple of friends are aware I have it, though they aren't probably aware of the fetish behind it as I hide most my other furs and try and avoid any parcels coming in labeled on the customs form as fur as I think they would think is pretty odd!
furnation Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 My first real purchase was an Alaskan Seal which I later learned was sheared black dyed rabbit, man it was soft and inviting, and the matching black satin liner took my breath away also. Later that same year I bought a thick pastel mink stroller with a massive collar at a second hand clothing store. The female clerk wanted to make small talk about fur coats but all I could think of was making it to the car with my treasure. I went back there the next week to purchase the matching stole and the same clerk eyed me suspiciously. I remember how badly my hands shook when I handed her the money for the fur.
Kappa Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 I've eyed furs in second hand stores. I've also noticed them at the occasional garage sale as well (believe or not, am I'm not talking 'Ripleys' either). Each time though, the fur was in such sorry condition that in order to repair it would be more than a duplicate new. I'm sure they could have been 'recreated' in some other form but I prefer items as they are.
FurLoverinFL Posted July 2, 2007 Posted July 2, 2007 Sometimes you can find treasures in those garage sales. A friend of mine found a f/l raccoon coat at a garage sale and bought it for $75. She took it to Flemington Furs for cleaning and alternations, spent another couple of hundred dollars. To make a long story short, she know has a stunning coat for a few hundred dollars. The moral - keep looking, you can find a diamond in the rough at some of those garage sales... especially those in 'ritzy' neighborhoods! FLinFL
Guest Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 my fist coat was a full length Blue fox i brought it as a Christmas gift for my G/F at the time and we had some fun let me tell you .......
Guest Posted July 5, 2007 Posted July 5, 2007 first fur item(s) that were ordered online at the same time: one white and one black full pelt fox boas w/tails - 4 years back. first fur coat: black fox full skin stroller - 3 years back for bday/xmas.
FurMeFirst Posted July 19, 2007 Posted July 19, 2007 My first fur that I "used" on myself was my mother's deep blue sheared mouton lamb fur. I was but a child. As I got older, I began to leave tell-tale sgins that I made contact with that coat. My mom never said anything to me about it, but looking back on it now, I realize she would move her coat form closet to closet, and even under her bed in a box. I alway managed to find it. Before long, she would not were it as my fur adventures with that so soft coat were obvious to anyone looking at it. She put it in a chest in out attic. I found it there and continued to "use" it for years until one day I realized she had thrown it out. My second fur belonged to a friend of my sister's. I forget her name, but she had this big 'ol fluffy soft white rabbit fur coat. I would sneak it out of the closet, or my sister's roomm when her frind spent the night. I was older then, and my play with that coat was also evident. But neither my sister or her friend ever said anything, and her friend continued to were the coat for years. During this time, I would "introduce" my friends who stayed over to the mouton fur coat. I would explsin how good it felt, and all of them bevame interested in trying it fot themselves. An most of them letf their calling card all over the fur. Between the two, sometimes three of us a at time - several times! I was forced to try a clean the fur the next day. I became quite good at that. This enabled future use of the fur (cleaning also kept the fur soft), and kept from telling too much of a tale. THe first fur I bought was for my college girlfriend. I was a freshman. I bought her two coats, in fact. They were both full / MAXI length sheared mouton lamb coats. One was grey; the other, beep brown. Each was very soft, softer than my mother's mouton and softer than my sister's frirnd's rabbit fur coat. I shall leave story of those furs for another time. Anyone interested?
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