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First coat you ever bought?


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I haven't gotten into fur outside yet but all my jackets are custom and to my own designs.


So many interesting possibilities, different furs and with the fur inside there is the overall design to look at.



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The only fur I've bought was "for my wife" a lovely possum jacket that I wear much more than she does!


It is soooo soft and snugley.


I bouht it off the net 18 months ago and never looked back.

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  • 2 months later...

My very first coat was a mink coat that was handed down from my grandma to my mother and then to me.

I then bought white rabbit fur gloves with a matching white rabbit fur purse in 2000. Then I felt I needed a matching full length white rabbit fur coat. I still have all of it and show it off usually during Christmas parties

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Rabbit is such an "undervalued" fur.


Too many people think that, just because rabbit is cheap and plentiful that it is not good fur. Good quality rabbit such as "fancy" rabbit or rex rabbit can be just as nice as some of the "big" furs out there.


Besides, rabbits are used for food. What ELSE can they do with the rest of the rabbit? Throw it away? Why not make it into something nice for people to wear?

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My first fur purcase was a Rabbit coat too, a lovely blonde jacket from ebay for my gf at the time. It was so soft, silky and light, great to cuddle her in and more! And it only cost a tenner!

I agree, it is under valued.

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  • 1 month later...

The first fur I ever bought was a full length Blackglama coat. I literally worshipped that coat after I brought it home. Now, twenty-five years and sixteen furs later I still have and wear it.

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How to get the brain cells working.............. well they have *grin*


A full length light brown coney (rabbit) coat with notched collar. Traded in on blue Fox Stole, which was traded in on a silver fox stroller/chubby..... that lasted until three years ago. Wear and tear 9litterally) don'tcha know.

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The first fur I ever bought was a full length Blackglama coat. I literally worshipped that coat after I brought it home. Now, twenty-five years and sixteen furs later I still have and wear it.


Furbabe, please let me be the first to welcome you to The Fur Den!! You are someone who obviously adores fur, and so you will feel very much at home in the Den! IMHO, you won't find a nicer group of people anywhere on the internet. It's a little quiet in here right now (us "fur freaks" tend to hibernate in the summer) otherwise I'm sure you would have had more of us jumping in line to say, "Hello!" I'm equally as sure that with your participation in our fine community, you will make many friends very quickly. We certainly look forward to having you share your thoughts and experiences with us, as we will with you!


Oh - Almost forgot. One of our many emoticons is named, simply, "Babe!"


One final thing, and just a point of information for all Denizens. We now have two "fur babes" in the Den. The "oldest" member is "fur_babe," who has been a member of the fur community for many, many years, and is responsible for the now defunct "Fur Twins" web site, much of which we have preserved in the Den's Picture Gallery for its unmatched excellence. Our newest member, the one we welcome today, is "Furbabe." "Furbabe," we hope you will have as great an impact on our community as "fur_babe" has had!

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FurBabe, first welcome.


A black Glama Mink as a first is definitely the way to start! My wife was given a custom made black Glama upon her graduation from law school by her parents. (This is before I met her) Thank God!


She treasures that coat like you as well.. I have added to the collection, but that one stills commands her most adoration -- I can't blame her.

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Mr. B, great to see you back.


Thanks for renewing this great thread - let's continue sharing our stories as Fur season 08-09 approaches.



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