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All I want for Christmas..............

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At the current exchange rate, some of those seat covers would be worth more than my car! The cheapest thing on the list comes to just under $500.


So, then I'd just have to get a new car to go with my new seat covers. Woudn't I?


OK - I give up. How do you get all the info on these to come up in English? All I see is Japanese, and that's one language I don't know!









Do demo'E! (anyone speak phonetic Japanese?)



Those seats look like sasquatch!


well.. it's better than nothing I think. Google speaks better Japanese than I do.


What? You can't read Japanese? Oh! Give me a break!


Here. Go to www.systransoft.com

Use the box to slect "English to Japanese" then copy/paste the URL into the box and click "Translate".


Systran is the best translator on the net. It's the Systran engine that powers Babelfish, even.


Thanks, sable-mink! Thanks, Worker!



All I can say is who could concentrate on driving?????


Please, haven't you ever driven around not wearing anything but a fur?




...yeah, like I'm the only one!


never thought of that driving around in only a fur coat humm......... got to get the undies off............


And when the distraction leads you to smash head on into a telephone pole, guess who gets to peel you fur coat and all (oops fur coat and lack of all) out of your accordionated vehicle?


No thanks. I can do without the car, and I can enjoy fur quite well at home.


Yeah, but what a way to go!

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