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Hanging out for Winter

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Is it just me or does the forum use at the moment reflect:


1/ people on holiday?

2/ Lethargy with Summer - therefore why post

3/ Most members have been alien abducted?

4/ (Where is TOS...... definate x-file issue...........)

5/ A new take on things . eg, as its Winter in the Southern Hemi, where are our Chile friends to enrich us with tales of furs at Las Lenas etc etc....


6/ Am I just bored???




Summer time for me is a busy season which includes;

- More outside chores around the house (cutting grass, weeds, watering, painting, gardening, etc)

- Riding my motorcycle

- Taking vacations (holidays) away from civilization (just got back late last week).


I do not think it is boredome, just enjoying and working in the warmer weather and that means being away from the furs we love for a while.


Not bein a warm weather person summer is the "in between" time.


I actually get a lot of things done and strawberries are the height of this time for me. Nearing the end of a most incredible season of luscious berries.


I've always been much more energized come Fall





#s 1 & 2 - Yes. (It's like this every year at this time . . . )


#3 - Maybe.


#4 - ToS will rejoin us next week.


#5 - It's times like this when I miss MrB's tales, since it's winter in Oz. Where are the rest of you Aussie's??


#6 - See #s 1 & 2.


1. yes

2. yes

3. not that I know of... but then again it would explain those unusual pains in the ass, as opposed to the normal pains in the ass

4. again, might be explained by #3

5. no - I'm old, boring and set in my ways... I have no new takes on anything right now

6. yes




I wonder if some of you could be a little briefer with your answers, they seem long-winded and time-consuming!!!!


Back to the furs....




I am just getting back a bit into the den, after a long online absence of online access. And I do despise the heat of summer. I do a whole lot more sleeping in the air conditioning, trying to hide away from allergy attacks. Sitting in front of a glowing pc screen with glossy, teary eyes is not too desireable, so I often get online, do what I need then and off again.


Miss T - perhaps a Summer 'task' is to perpetuate further amazing Avatars for us to enjoy - they are wonderful - (should the word 'artistic' be used?)




Seriously evocative -



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