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Happy 4th!

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Okay, I've not seen it yet, so here are the wishes for a Happy 4th of July to all!


D'accordo, happy 4th of July to everyone! I'm visiting family and the fireworks are canceled tonight due to rain, but instead all of us are going to see 'Sicko'! Enjoy the day off,




Happy 4th indeed!


(We Candia... Candians... We folk fro Candada may sound a bit drukn rite now. We bin partyin for 4 days waitin' for yu')


Hope you have a great year next year!





(Clickable Bear!)


Happy 4th of July from the Bears!




Just saw SiCO and it put a BIG damper on my 4th


Great film but not the happier side of our country.


Sad day for OFF


Our country's surely not perfect, but it has built into it's constitution the mechanism to improve. The ideals, as Thomas Jefferson stated them (and he knew he fell far short himself -- so what) are impeccable. Our present leader is in all probability the worst president in history, but we have had Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, 2 Roosevelts, and Harry Truman, and we will have great leaders again. Yes, we have made terrible mistakes (Treatment of Blacks and Native Americans, War of 1812, Vietnam), but we have also done great things -- walked on the moon, cured polio, created thousands of inventions, pioneered religious tolorence, anchored alliances that rid the world of Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Tojo and Mao.)


I think any fair minded person must admit that the good outways the bad. And we can be proud of that as long as we remain determined to continue to correct the wrongs, and remain vigilant against the political snake oil salesmen that are the parasites of all democracies.


So I wish America a Happy Birthday and everyone a belated Forth of July.



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