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Forgive me if I`ve missed anyone else flagging this up but it`s new to me.


A Hungarian site which does work even though it seems to say it`s under construction , about 1000 pics , not sure if many of them look new or different but worth a look.


The gallery does contain a few full frontal pics so to stay on the right side of the CoC I won`t give the full URL ; if you want it PM me. If you want to Google for yourself it seems to be called "Fur Fetish Site" and the domain name ends in .hu






Hypothetical question: If you put that link in a forum message, would a person who clicked on it be able to see nudity that rates any stronger than a "Strong PG-13" or a "Soft R" on his first click? Would the user have to click on ANOTHER link to get to the place where the nudity or strong sexual content is?


Links to sites with adult content are not NECESSARILY out of the question. We just have to be very careful with them. If we don't our ISP will give us lots of flack about it.


P.S.: I noticed you're from the UK. The American film ratings would be unfamiliar to you. To put it more in terms you are familiar with:


If your link was a movie, would it pass a "15-Cert" for UK film rating system?


We quite had the link posted here


Site seems harmless, even when a PG-13 or 15-Cert does not tell much fore than nothing to me 8)


adress is like furfetish . freeweb . hu


In the US, a "PG-13" rating means "Parental Guidance Suggested: Caution Children Under Age 13."


In the UK, a roughly equivalent rating of "15-Cert." means "Caution Children Under the Age of 15."


Most countries have similar labeling systems to tell potential viewers what kind of content they are likely to see when they view a movie. I don't know if Germany has its own film ratings board or if they just go by the British labeling system. I am familiar with the US and the UK systems because it's part of my job operating a cinema. However, most of the British and European films we get aren't marked with a rating. They are simply listed as "Caution: Sex/Nudity" or "Caution: Language/Violence", etc.


I'm just trying to carry this idea over to our site so that we all have a point of reference with which to judge the content we post in public.


My personal opinion is that rating films is a bunch of schei


Thanks to the mods for their guidance on this matter , it looks like I was being ultra cautious but hey , better safe than shut down. You need at least three clicks before you see anything and 99% of what you do see is Playboy/Penthouse strength at worst.

Please do be aware though that there are a very few hardcore images so if that`s not your scene don`t click






Thank you furpunk2. 8)


BTW, I LOVE your avatar!!




you know kind of words worker....shhhh


There is a classification by codes in Germany too.

The rating itself is maintained by a parastatal organization called "voluntary self control".


The codes are FSKx where "X" stands for the age class - it may be 6, 12, 16 or 18


The criteria for rating a film not suitable are by far not that rigid as in UK or US.

A classification because of "rude language" would never be done here.

Also a female breast or even the fur coat on naked body would never ever be displeasing or any reason to classificate a film or picture.


Hardcore xxx becomes not rated, this may only be purchased, shown or promoted under a strictly age control.

Internet sites that show such material must have a proven effective age verification system otherwise it will be taken from net. The ISP


I've been doing a little bit of research. Guess what? Our old friend, Wikipedia, has a wealth of information on film classification:



Motion picture rating system

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.



A motion picture rating system categorizes films with regard to suitability for children and/or adults in terms of issues such as sex, violence and profanity. A particular issued rating is called a certification.


This helps people decide whether a movie is suitable for themselves and/or their children. Also, in some jurisdictions a rating may impose on movie theaters the legal obligation of refusing the entrance of children or minors to the movie. Furthermore, where movie theaters do not have this legal obligation, they may enforce restrictions on their own. Ratings are often given in lieu of censorship. There is often debate as to the usefulness, strictness and enforcement of such systems. The belief that a ratings system may tempt children to watch a film due to its high rating is known as the forbidden fruit phenomenon; this can also be the case with adults in countries where "unrated", "uncut", "uncensored", etc. versions are released on DVD.


In some countries (e.g. Australia), an official government body decides on ratings (i.e. de jure); in other countries (e.g. the US), it is done by industry bodies with no official government status (i.e. de facto). However, in most countries, movies that are considered morally offensive have been banned or restricted. Even if the film rating system has no legal consequences, and a film has not explicitly been banned or restricted, there are usually laws forbidding certain films, or forbidding to show them to minors.


The influence of specific factors in deciding a rating varies from country to country. For example, in countries such as the United States, films with mild sexual content are often restricted to adult viewers, whereas in countries such as France and Germany, sexual content is viewed much more leniently in films. On the other hand, films with violent content are often subject in countries such as Germany and Finland to high ratings and even censorship, whereas countries such as the United States are generally viewed to offer more lenient ratings to violent movies.


Here is the direct link to the site:



This page contains information about the motion picture ratings systems of nearly every country. US, UK, Germany and others. Over 40 of them in all!


I would appreciate it if members would read that page over and look at the ratings system of their home country then compare it to the systems of other countries.


If there are enough members in agreement I would like to have a discussion with the other moderators, in private, where we can come up with a general standard to judge the content we post on our forums and library pages.


Mind you! This is only an idea! It will take a lot of work to come up with a plan that works for everybody. Compromises will have to be made.


But I think this idea could go a long way toward solving a problem we have been having for a very long time.


What does everybody think?


P.S.: I only know a few words in German. Mostly, I learn them from watching German movies. Was that not a "nice" word in German?

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