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How To Pack & Ship A Fur Coat

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Definitely a link for our wiki fur care.





Most of that is really 'common sense', don't you think? Still, it's amazing how many folks will ship a fur in the smallest box possible...




I got a Fox Vest from an eBay seller once in a package no bigger than a quart bottle.


When I opened it, it sprang out like a Jack-in-the-Box.


Took a week to get it fluffed back out again.




Most of that is really 'common sense', don't you think?


Yes, I agree. I have shipped furs multiple times. The things that caught my attention were placing tissue between the layers as you fold the garment and placing the tissue wrapped coat in a plastic bag.


Both of those things make sense to me ... But I have not done them before. The tissue between layers would reduce friction and possibly static electricity as the coat shifts in transit. Putting fur in a plastic cover is generally a no-no, but in this instance I think it makes sense -- During transit the package could conceivably get wet or torn and the plastic would provide some defense against moisture, debris, etc. Just my two cents.


Im glad you posted that.Makes it easier when I send a friend a fur. but most times i have the fur shipped directly to them.

makes quite a suprise when it arrives.


This, and the Balckglama and Beaver write-ups are now in our Library.


This, and the Balckglama and Beaver write-ups are now in our Library.


And they were easy to find!


I actually missed his Blackglama article ... So good catch. As the owner of two Blackglama items, I can attest to the fact that they are exceptional pelts. 8)


That's the whole idea with the Library once we really get it "Filled with books". That info was in the forum for instance for everyone to see. But try to find it next Christmas.


However now it is in the Library you can find it pretty much immediately.



now it is in the Library you can find it pretty much immediately.


That's what I was checking. I have visited the Library previously ... But I am not a regular. So I was curious whether I could find the links intuitively/easily (without backtracking, etc.). I was pleased to report No Problemo -- The Library is user friendly.


Come fall when members return from summer we are going to spend a little time to let members know what is in there. Give them a tour, etc. However, right now with so few people around it is hard. Best to wait a couple of months.



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