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3 new pics in gallery

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hi everyone,


i've been collecting vintage lingerie again... there are some pics in the gallery w/fur.


Your photography is incredible!!


Do you know how many furriers pay a mint and come up with an inferior product?


You are gifted! 8)


Thank you for gracing us with your wonderful work!




Have to Second that - very nice, be proud of your work..




Miss T is the best thing this site has going for it. She is spectacular in more ways than one. My favorite image was that of her in the blue flowered piece with the blue gloves. BRAVA!!!!!!


thanks all, such kind words are great to hear!


Click the pictures! Miss Theresa's Orders!


thumb_pink_gown_edit_glow_70_web.jpg thumb_pink_gown_edit_glow_67_web.jpg thumb_white_multi_gown_edit_glow_51_web.jpg


a real contribution to this site..............very much appriciated........YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND............


Thanks for the spectacular photos, Miss Theresa. You are a true reference in fur wearing


Well MissT, just when I thought you couldn't look any more spectacular, you prove me wrong! You are probably one of the most gorgeous fur-loving ladies I've ever seen, and I hope you will post even more pix of yourself adorned in soft fluffy furs in future!!


Keep up the amazing work, MissT!!



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