Guest Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 I'm not familiar with the situations, so I will try to avoid speculation. I believe that if I were to read the Off Topic forum, I would be offended by much of the discussion--discussion about my country, my political affiliation, my God, or any number of other things . Therefore, I avoid the OT forum. I have no wish to get my hackles raised or to have offense with those on the forum. I know people don't mean to offend, they're just sometime careless. We're here because we have something in common. With all the negative attention focused on us by the AR activists, etc, I believe we need to unite. In the fur forums, we can find something to rally around. In the OT forums, things can be divisive. If you are easily offended, riled up, or if you see a track record of people speaking out against issues which you hold dear, may I suggest that you avoid the OT forum, as I do? Focus your attention on the fur forums--generate some more traffic here. My friends, it's been a long, hot summer...but winter is just around the corner! Major retailers are selling off summer clothes and starting to bring in the Autumn / Winter clothes! It's a wonderful time of year! The drought is almost over! Walk through a Neiman Marcus or Saks 5th Avenue. See the swimsuits disappearing and the soft furs taking their place? Reignite your passion for--come here to the board and report on what you saw, what you felt, what you or your SO tried on! Take a break from the politics and the issues that tend to divide. Let this be your sanctuary.
Guest Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 (edited) Unfortunately foxfan we do not have that Liberty in the UK. We have a government who has banned fur farming and foxhunting, and threaten to ban imports and sale of furs. So we like to question and undermine them where necessary. Maybe if your country wasn't "The Land of the Free" you may understand our need to fight sometimes. The irony is that that "liberal fascism" was born in the US. PETA and health fascism has corrupted the UK but it was born of sloppy US thinking. Then the Christian Right has also opressed sexual expression with a venom and native people there. Furthermore its global industries corrupt our cultures the world over with lowest common denominator crap like the Big Golden Arches. Anyway, it is precisely because of that that some of us are leaving. We are free to express it elsewhere, and you free to be without dissidents. Edited July 27, 2007 by Guest
Guest Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 I know you're frustrated, but I think we have a job to do--we need to get more people wearing fur. If the silent majority of people who don't hate fur can make the vocal minority irrelevant, we can win! We can't win if we shoot each other.
Guest Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 I agree. But the change required needs many Attitudes changing. Tolerance of other people, countries, cultures etc would mean tolerance of furs. Where did the intolernce of fur come from? And how did it happen? In the history of the world, it is absurd; yet it is mainstream. Because of lowest common denominator thinking, ignorance , and global marketing and moral imperialism. No problem with antis in Russia I hear.
Guest Posted July 27, 2007 Posted July 27, 2007 I agree. But the change required needs many Attitudes changing. Tolerance of other people, countries, cultures etc would mean tolerance of furs. Where did the intolernce of fur come from? And how did it happen? In the history of the world, it is absurd; yet it is mainstream. Because of lowest common denominator thinking, ignorance , and global marketing and moral imperialism. No problem with antis in Russia I hear. I guess my point is, don't give up the fight--for fur. Surely it can't be so difficult for us to all find common ground...with fur. We can't change everything--we can't end racism, war, poverty, etc. But as a group (remember, there's strength in numbers) we can help make fur relevant again. The designers are doing their part. The models are doing theirs. The stores are doing theirs. The fashion magazines are doing their part. Most people don't exist in that plane! It's now up to us--the common man and woman--to get out in our furs--to compliment those who wear their furs. Don't miss the forest for the trees. Don't get so bogged down in the minutiae of what makes us different from each other--focus instead on what we have in common!
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 intolerance seems to run rampant. it is a shame that those who speak out and are willing to fight for rights and freedoms are made to feel as if they are not welcome. a shame. i get hassled regularly about wearing fur and i fight back too... now if i get too political, too mouthy, should i be made to feel as if i should go as well?! this just sucks and i don't know that i want to stay round anymore for it either. there is enough silencing and oppression in the world, not just one country or another... seems like it is here too. ps - why was the thread locked about tos and the others leaving? i was going to add my goodbyes and it just seemed useless.
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Thankyou Miss T. I now that for many of you life is cool and you haven't had to fight against intolerance and injustice and I am pleased for you. But we have. Miss T has. When the filth start beating people up here because they go foxhunting and saying that you are asking for trouble wearing fur etc and mps calling us disgusting and barabaric and the papers running PETA's viewpoint every day because they can "buy" the British press, and the British government taking a million pound bribe from animal rights groups then you see why I am full of fight. Now I see smoking banned , burkhas banned and kids locked up because they are moslem for three years when they have done nothing I see it as all related see? And American puritanism and internet policing acting against people and record keeping etc and again its all related. Its California Uber Alles or the Christian Right ruling us and we won't have it. I will not sit back and cuddle up in furs when the people whose livelihoods depend on supplying them are blocked from trading them by the likes of rich overpaid scum like Pamela Anderson and Paul Mccartney and I will NOT support any society which allows their evey whim to be aired all over the planet and The inuit and the Sami and the Evenk silenced. I will not sit back and see Dommes accused of prostituition, Trans gender people called evil (or women who defend them accused of being them) and perfectly beautiful Art and photography banned for being obscene and people locked up. I could go on and on but you get the drift. Injustice is injustice; and when people start getting banned around here for speaking out then its time for us to go. Again I say again I hold no ill feeling toward anyone and know that some of you are quite happy with the "fur coffee morning" concept and that is fine so that is why I am leaving: it is not for me. As Linda says, some of us have battles to fight; some of us cannot any longer stick our heads in the sand and watch our Liberties evaporate. So we respect your forum and will leave you to it. Best wishes all. Now let it drop , let us leave in peace and enjoy the peace and quiet!
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 I want to support foxfan and Freddie Fox as newbies in particular since once again ToS attacks the choir. We should be supporting each other and figuring out HOW we can individually and collectively make a difference and also enjoy each others company. If we spend all our time cutting each other up and fighting over things with each other that don't have any impact on the "Outside" and anti-fur world we hurt ourselves. This internal quarreling only abets our enemies while getting us unnecessarily upset over .. nothing. I'm not opposed to ranting and being on occation argumentative but in a site like ours it has to be internally constructive and ultimately supportive. There are other sites out there that are able to do this and we should be a positive example, not a Jerry Springer example. OFF
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Jerry Springer indeed! I couldn't agree more lol! Anyway...anyone know where this mysterious alledged site is? Because yet again its another false rumour; where do you get this stuff from? Lol I can't even work out how to post properly and my computer can't even use chat. So start a website? You gotta be kidding. Oh sure I have material. 20 000 images unseen on the net. Sadly I haven't even got a scanner.
FurLoverinFL Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 To our UK friends: Fight the good fight - we'll see you further up on the road. FLinFL
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 OFF- I believe I was the one who started being an instigator in this matter by my post on this thread. TOS was only replying a bit to it. I agree that this should be a happy place free from strife... but what paradise is that and does it really exist anywhere on this planet?! If so let me know cause I've only had proof of the opposite being true. So don't blame him for throwing up shit, as it was me. I just saw no one defending a person who has spent many, many hours here supplementing knowledge and awareness of several issues related to fur. So I opened my big mouth in support, as I am want to do... blah, blah, big deal, I know, but at least I didn't hold my tongue when I wanted to speak up.
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Last thing I would ever expect from you MissT and you have every right to express yourself. The responses are not always so well put however. Keep on Truckin'. OFF
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Thankyou gain Miss T; and also jolly decent sentiments florida boy. So let us not drag this out and further attack each other. One thing I must say as WF has misread a pm somehow and is refusing to open any more so I will say it here. White Fox has tried for weeks and weeks to sort out a solution to this problem amicably. I certainly do not apportion any blame to him. He bust a gut trying to repair things. The mods that wanted us gone are clearly visible, and we shall not bear grudges against them. The main bone of contention was always the right of mods to judge over content through their taste not CoC; and the ensuing arguments over that. Tryxie got caught in crossfire and was banned for allgedly "feeding" me information I had already told her; and despite WF's efforts, SOME indispensible people here wanted that ban upheld at all costs. So I believe I am right in saying the three most prolific posters of content are now lost to the site. The greatest erotic fur movie/youtube poster/movie and image researcher on the web lost to this forum. And tryxie and her two thousand fashion pic post lost too, and all her unique industry access and knowledge and future ones. But at the end of the day two people made some serious vicious and false accusations, Furelli was banned and then negotiations broke down and I stepped in. At NO point did WF make any such accusations; and I publicly thank him for all the work he tried to do to bring Tryxie back. I also repeat that there is NO new website and that has only even been suggested by tryxie yesterday BECAUSE it was levelled at us. Like me and furelli have any computer skills. If any such thing happens it is because tryxie has been pushed into it but personally I don't think one young girl in poor health can build such a thing; if she can I will of course support it with content. Anyway; hopefully now we can leave without people snapping at our ankles as we do so. I was told that tryxies posts were accidentally "switched off" recently by mistake. Now I am told it is impossible to do the same for mine. No hurry guys; just do it in your own time if it is as easy to do as all that. Farewell all. TOS signing out.
auzmink Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Why do I get the feeling that these discussions occur on all (Fur) websites on a regular basis. We have a period of calm, tranquility and relative niceness, some time later we have a few contentious posts, which creates uproar, intolerence and bad feeling - people then leave, threaten to leave, form new groups / zones and the DIVISION CONTIUNUES. PLEASE - GET OVER YOURSELVES, unless we stick together as a group, we will be overcome, Governments will banish fur..... and then won't we look stupid! Just when I thought we had a cohesive bunch of sensible rational people to unite in a like cause and perhaps push a case for Fur forward, we get these SILLY spats which does nobody any good, but ultimately the group becomes harmed. I like this website, I put a donation into it because of that like, I want it to continue, I want a united intelligent forward thinking group of fur liking individuals to move the cause forward, I don't want division, arguments egos to de-stabilise it. So to those of you arguing - see the BIGGER picture, learn to accept constructive criticsm, be tolerant, take some comments on the chin and ALL help to forward rational thinking and ideas. If someone truly steps outside the boundary of the Den - then its a problem, but lets be bigger than ourselves. I love this site, I love the posts, I cherish all the contributions, and I love it that so many people think the same thoughts / passions. Fur is beautiful, lets be beautiful ourselves. United we stand, divided Fur ends..... End of rant Auzmink
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 That was my exact position until yesterday Auzmink, and why I had refrained form posting until I thought calm would be achieved. I had also agreed never to question a mod decision again. But my position was always that Tryxie was allowed back...not as a mod but a member and aopologised to. Then false accusation and grossly insulting lies were were levelled at Tryxie and Furelli yesterday hence my current intervention because I know them to be decent and hardworking members of the fur community with a great deal to offer. It shouldn't be a problem if everyone keeps their heads now and allows us to leave without further insult. Again, these accusations do not represent the den as a whole just two individuals; but two that are indispensible to operations here hence the banning. I apologise to WF AK and other mods who were not part of this attack against the two aforementioned, indeed did everything they could to try to cement relations; but I cannot stand back and see an injustice perpetrated. Once again I stress that unless the situation had reached a level of irrepairable damage I would not have intervened. MESSAGES FROM THE BANNED MEMBERS: To Freddy Fox from Furelli: "Did you enjoy the Billion Dollar Brain?" And from Tryxie to all: "It is Dangerous to be Right when the Government is Wrong" Voltaire
AKcoyote Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 TOS: Your understanding of the situation is totally false and has been overly influenced by some agitators who refused to respect the admins and mods here. If you want to leave, just do so. I have been overly tolerant of your abuse of the staff and these forums for far too long. I will no longer tolerate these repeated rants blaming all your perceived problems on the management of this website. Your viewpoints and insight on UK foxhunting, fur in native cultures, and other fur related topics have been welcome, but the repetition of the rants on these and other subjects must stop NOW. This is the only warning I will issue on this matter.
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Then ban me and remove ALL my posts please. While you defend people who have contributed zilch in the way of content and make libellous accusations against valuable members in the most personal and nasty way I will not stand by and allow it to happen. Agitators indeed. Maybe they are "damn commies" too huh?
Guest Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Oh Freddie Fox; I am sorry. Don't shoot the messenger! I guess the person sending the message must be losing his mind two . STFU and let me leave then. CLOSE THE THREAD MODS !
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