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Six hundred seventy-five dollars. As one of our friends pointed out before, there is probably less than fifty dollars worth of rabbit fur in there.


Un-!@#%&ing believable. Shouldn't this open up a reasonably sized market for cheaper custom-made garments from older 80s and 90s rabbit fur coats no one wears anymore? The fur is definitely in supply, I can attest to that... fur tailors, unite!



  • 2 weeks later...

Neiman Marcus released their famous Christmas Catalog today. I think it features more fur and fur trimmed garments and accessories than any N-M Christmas Book since the early 90's. Fall 07 definitely looks promising.


And not a single mention of Anti-fur sentiments.





I unofficially declare the season open! It was chilly out tonight so I wore my ankle length faux ranch mink coat when I strolled along the riverfront this evening. I'm sure 4 out of 5 Denizens groaned when they read "faux" ... But this coat is actually very nice -- Ankle length, rich black color, over-sized shawl collar, very nice "fabric" and construction. At 5 paces I think the average person would not be able tell whether it was faux or the real thing. My ranch mink coat is probably 4 times heavier and 2 - 3 times warmer ... So the faux coat was perfect for tonight's cool weather.


Speaking of faux fur ... I received the Fabulous Furs Holiday catalog today and it was purt durn awesome. They are offering their largest men's collection ever -- over half a dozen jackets as well as an attractive men's faux sable scarf and hat. They have added an oversized (over 7' long) faux fur throw to their home collection that I would love to add to my home collection!


Until my "babies" come home from summer vacation later this month, faux will have to do.


Just an FYI -- Neiman-Marcus has set up an online fur boutique with several (expensive but) interesting pieces. N-M has been online for over five years. This is the first time they have had a significant "fur presence" on the web. There is even a men's "Fur and Shearling" subcategory in the men's outerwear section. Despite today's (and the weekend's) warm weather, Fall 07 is still looking fabulously furry.


I finally turned on the heat last night ... Tomorrow night there is a frost warning ... Fall has officially arrived!


Note to self: Pick up furs!



Indeed! I have the calls in to the furriers to either bring them back or deliver them (we use different storage services depending on where we bought...it's more of a hassle, but it maintains the relationship with the furrier).


I'm not turning on my heat until it freezes here!


Although I did see a few fur stoles and shawls on the gussied-up theatergoers tonight!




Well, once again I actually got to Denver, CO and found it to be too warm for much fur wearing. On Friday evening, I went to a 'Zombie Dance Party' thrown by the Flying Dog Brewery in Lodo - only one fur there, a fake cheatah coat. How disappointing!!




I understand totally. Last year I took a couple of furs to New York in mid February and while it had been cold (20's/30's) the week before I was there, almost as soon as I arrived the thermometer shot up into the 40's. Way too warm for the fox and mink coats I had brought with me.


I am picking up my furs this weekend ... Yippee! They've been hibernating for six long months.


It's definitely fall. I went for a walk this evening along the water and opted not to wear a jacket ... Mistake. The wind was blowing at around 8 - 10 MPH and it was a tad nippy. I should have worn my faux mink coat. I've learned to appreciated its charms since the temperature began dropping.


Anyone else have this issue? Not that I'm a clothes hound, but I have more clothing/furs than closet space. Tonight or tomorrow night I must endure the annual ritual of clearing out enough space in the spare bedroom closet to accomodate my coats (they take up 3/4 of that closet space!). It will be nice to have them home ... But not only is taking them to and removing them from storage a slight pain in the keester, but the simple act of making room for them to "breathe" is also a tad annoying as well. I'll try to keep a smile on my face as I transfer and box up clothes as it will be for a good "cause".


Wish I had a Spare Room Closet to cope with mine





I should probably look into installing a fur vault in my basement! Or just move.


P.S. With her assortment of furs, I have always envisioned Lynxette living some place like this.



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