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I'm staying!

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Well, it has to be said. Looking down the forum list it seems people are leaving like the exit from an underground station!


Personally, and despite raven8's comment re my posting, I believe in tolerance, forgiveness, openness, and a sense of fair play. I will listen to all arguments / opinions, I will dismiss rudeness / racism and being unjust. I may have missed all the posts, but not the 'jist' of them.


I respect and admire the moderators for the time and effort they put in, as usual we should NOT shoot the 'tall poppies', they are there for a reason (longevity, and past postings indicating a like-mindedness in the processes used).


So - lets just move on, cuddle together under our furry blankets, let mid-summer madness pass us by, and please everyone - be tolerant. Some may shout more often or louder than others, but perhaps they have something (or nothing) to say, we still should listen. If its 'fur', it could be important.


I love this forum




I too seem to have missed out on what happened, regarding the recent departure of some of the fixtures of our particular forums.


One week it seemed we were co-existing the same as we ever did (with our usual spats and local 'color' making this place as interesting as ever) and the next time I checked in people were leaving left and right in the aftermath of what must have been a horrible situation, some of whom swearing that they are done for good with the forum.


I was somewhat curious as to what happened until I looked over Worker's post below and realized that it's not what happened that matters so much as what is going to remain when the dust has settled.


It's summer, and I tend to spend less time at home during the warmer months which prevents me from utilizing my computer to get in as much as I would like to, but despite that, I am on the same track as auzmink.


I will be here for as long as the Den is around, and though there have been a few (rare) occasions when I have been tempted to say 'adios' to the Fur Den, I see this place as my online family of sorts.


Like any good family we'll have our share of arguments, and blows will be exchanged from time to time, but what matters is that we're together still at the end of the day.


I hope all is well for everyone.




Glad to hear that folks.


We intend to keep the Den around for you.


Everybody has arguments. It's a fact of life.

The important thing is whether people work them out or, at least, learn to get along despite their differences.


Anybody who claims that they don't have arguments with their friends, family and even the people they love is either crazy or he is a liar.

So - lets just move on, cuddle together under our furry blankets, let mid-summer madness pass us by, and please everyone - be tolerant.


I'd tip my hat to you, good sir, but it's too friggin' hot to wear one this week. 8)


I have no idea what the fuss is all about, I must have missed it.

I post on several forums- musicians forums, car forums etc etc. And you always get the loudest, aggo posting members making a big emotional statement that 'they're leaving' and the reasons for it. Perhaps thay expect people to beg them to stay to bolster their ego, at the end of the day it's an internet chat forum, get a grip. No one gives a toss if you're cutting your ties and making a stand by leaving. As for setting up a 'rival' forum, do be serious, there are 2 other main fur forums apart from the den and they have no way near the same activity as the Den, a third one would certainly be a flop.

Enough of this nonsense and on with the furs!


I'm sure I speak for all mods and admins when I say thank you all for your kind words. We truly appreciate your confidence and support. We are all committed to making this the best and most enjoyable fur site on the internet. Unfortunately, things happen - and 'growing pains' can occur. Hopefully that's all behind us now. Thank you all for hanging in there with us.




It appears to me that some people take things far too seriously.

I love my furs, my fetish and my participation on this board.

Some people need to make big statements to retain their egos.

Life continues.


Well said furqueen2000 " title="Applause" />


I think most members agree with your sentiments.


As you said, life (and The Fur Den) continues.


It is sad that for the past week or so the Den has felt more like a combat zone than a safe haven for its fur lovin' denizens. This forum should be a source of sustenance, not strife. Hopefully a sense of normacy will return in the very near future ... Along with more moderate temperaments and temperatures. 8)


We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them. -- William Arthur Ward


I don't know what exactly all the arguements were about, but I can 'sort of' guess... the only important thing for me is that the fur den continues..


can you imagine where else we..(freaks who love real fur - as the modern world sees us) would go...


long live the fur den






ps.. the reason i posted the bit about 'freaks'..is because some small minded idiot called me it just yesterday!


I was called a freak just yesterday and I wasn't wearing fur


Don't take it personal. It's the only word some folks know. Limited vocabulariers you know







"Freak"... hell, that's on a good day!!!




What? You'd rather be called "normal"?


How boring would that be?????




that little sparta smiley is awesome.... I loved 300.. he he where can I get it..


sorry to go off topic.....


"I am staying too".. he he he still laughing at the sparta smiley.. what a scene stealer!






"Greetings, Fellow Freak!" I remember that as being a greeting FrBrGr posted on a predecessor to this site. Thing is, freak's not a word that applies specifically to fur lovers. We can call each other freaks, but it doesn't have quite the same resonance as when homosexuals call themselves queers for example: coopting a word that's been used to single out and humiliate them. Maybe that means we don't have a heck of a lot of visibility. Maybe because some zealots' holy books specifically condemn homosexuals but not fur lovers, we'd never get it.


Oh well. Count me among ye, freaks!




Frugalfur guy..


That was a'deep' and well thought out post..





I am still hear !!! < COME in to look at the mesages and go to the galery and surf the new posts, I have no thoughts of leaving my seconded favorate websige. Ebay is my favoragt web sites constantly looking for fur in sizes that I can wear hophfully in the winter out.


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