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what i did tonight


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Well to night I was the best dressed garbage man on my block. I went outside wearing a pink high heeled boot on my left foot. With a raccon and blue fox leg wramer on it. Then I had on my new very dark brown fox fur jacket. All this on Aug 19 outside New York in 62F weather. Would anybody like to beat this...........



Interesting when I have on my plastic foot on the right its higher then the left but with the high healed boot on it was higher for a change.

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Wow, what a sight...I am just trying to picture this in my head (no luck). Well, no I cannot beat this, but congratulations on your public showing!

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Very nice to hear that someone else has joined my summer fur wearing club furup...yes I wear furs every chance I get all summer long. Of course I would definitely give you extra points for being a male though.

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