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Plucked Rabbit...

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Has anyone got some of this? I just recently brought a blanket made from plucked (not sheared) pure white rabbit skin and it's absolute heaven and not too expensive either.


If anyone sees some, I highly recommend it!


Plucked? What is plucked? Do you have a photo to post?


Basically the longer guard hairs are plucked out, and it leaves the softer fur underneath. It feels much like a less dense rex rabbit or chinchilla.


I don't have a cam on me (other than the phone which I don't have USB cables for) otherwise I would post a pic.


Sounds very nice indeed. Just remember that rabbit is not the most durable of furs, but depending on the price and what you want it for that may not matter too much.


did you buy it on the net?

Do you have a link for us maybe?

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