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Kiev (Ukraine) in winter

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Hi everyone,


This winter im planning a trip to Kiev and im curious if some people here got some furry tips for me . Anyone ever been here, lots of furs (sable, chin) on streets?


Also on the plane, is there chance to see furs there? or are furs usually put in the suitcases?


Thnx in advance for ure tips!


Similar topic ... Other than Lynxette's amazing feat of traveling to Europe with multiple furs earlier this year has anyone else comfortably done so? The only time I have flown with furs was pre-9/11 and I packed my silver fox coat in a large locked hard shell suitcase and had no issues. But the world has changed. Locked luggage is a no-no. There is a lost luggage epidemic resulting in people bringing maximum carry-on luggage on board with them, leaving little room overhead for a fur or two. I recently read that the airlines are providing no compensation for lost/damaged furs. I am considering traveling to Scandinavia and/or Saint Petersburg and debating whether to go in winter (for fur wearing and shopping and viewing opportunities) or in summer (peak season). It seems ridiculous to pay thousands of dollars for a business or first class ticket simply to be assured I could bring a few furs with me with minimal muss and fuss.


Ever since the ban or limitation of liquids that can be carried on board an airplane has been in effect, I've found that there is more room than ever in the overhead bins. I wouldn't bring many furs - you're right about lost/stolen luggage - but whatever might fit into a carryon.




Maybe just wear one coat in the plane itself Or put it on an empty seat next to you, if ure lucky ure flight isnt fully boarded.. but it is indeed quite a problem, bringing furs into a plane unfortunately


When we travel, we generally keep our furs in our lap--far too warm to wear them! This is the advantage of bringing a sheared mink or beaver if the weather at the destination is appropriate.


While you not see many furs on the plane (let's face it: you'll be pretty well hemmed in front and back) you will probably see LOTS of furs at the airport. That's one of my favorite places to be in the winter!


On a long flight, a fur in your lap makes a very nice pillow or blanket!


Regarding the Ukraine, I am afraid I've never been there...but I have to think it would be one of the top places in the world for fur sightings!


If you visit any shops there and see any designs similar to the ones you see in our site, check the tag inside, could be MAILON


Once in my life I will make the trip to Russia or Ukraine and have a look at all the beautiful women who loves to wear fur. I


Thnx for the tips Ofcourse i will visit as many fur shops as i can Shall look for the label, on ure website there quite some amazing coats! Good to hear that there lots of furs on the airport, very nice to kill the time waiting for ure flight!

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