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Happy Birthday!! and what a present...

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Yes folks... at about the time I post this topic, The Fur Den will have been open to public membership for exactly one whole month and membership will have.......... hmmmmmmm well gone from 13 to 470+ all due to the wotk and attention of AKCoyote, White fox and He-that-Must-Be-Obeyed, aka FrBrGr.


It came online ahead of schedule, we have seen the post counts transferred so that only newbies are now shown as newbies*grin* AND we are glad you have joined in the fun.


We are still bedding in the system, and hopefully we will never get to the stage where it is fully bedded in, because that will mean that AKcoyote and White Fox will have to find something else to keep their minds occupied 25 hrs a day.


If you are a guest reading this, and have been doing so since Melody, isn't it about time you came down from the ceiling and started to share YOUR thoughts and opinions. We would love to have you... and not just in this forum, but in the others as well.


What this site becomes and how it is seen by the world is greatly dependent on how we all act, react and interact within these "four walls" Settle back and enjoy what is to come.... You will find you are most welcome... and may even find a spot to reside languidly.


Mr B

Well said! And Happy Birthday to the New Den! Has it only been a month? Feels more like 6 somehow. All kiding aside, although there were quite a few messages logged in building the site, we have well over 4,000 messages in that month! What a great place. And it is you folks who have done that.


There is one thing that I want to add. While we were waiting for old message numbers to come across, it was (as Mr B menitoned) difficult to tell new members from old. If you are a new member here and we did not notice your first post, we really want to welcome you here to the New Den. We hope that you love it here and that we hear from you often.


Like I said Piotr... You said it all!

Thanks for keeping track and letting us know.



A month??? Already???? Wow...




good work everyone, and time is flying by isn't it?!


The Fur Den's not the only one celebrating a birthday. It's my birthday today too!!




Happy Birthday UJ.... hmmmmm I hope you are older than the Fur Den... driver's licence please.....


Thanx Mr B. It's still hard to believe i'm now 28...




PS where's my birthday cards?


Wait till you're 48!!!!!




*groan* wait til ya's 52 *staggering to chair.....*


we should have enough members now for OMG



OldMenGroup 8)


We should revive the "How old are You" thread.




No, OFF, I don't think we oughta do that - Me and you have underwear older than most of the people here . . . !


I have shoes that cold be their father.




thought it would gather more attention wearing NO underwear at that ages 8)

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