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Looks like Kaufman Furs is still in business.

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I was there when visiting New York last week.


I can confirm that they are very much still in business and there was a photoshoot going on when I was there.


I hope we shall be seeing some of the results on their website before long.


Thanks for sending me back to the site !


Beautiful pictures.


My visit was three weeks later than the most recent of them so with luck there should soon be some more new additions to the site.


I do hope so !

  • 4 weeks later...

How do we gwet the big Hi Rez pictures he's famous for????






All I get is a blank black screen and that's it.No enter no name no nothing..Viper:)



Works for me as well, but earlier today it was working and suddenly quit. Possibly the site was down earlier today. You might try it again.


One that I find interesting is this one. I can't tell if it is mink or beaver. The first ones like this that I saw were from Europe and were I believe beaver. Gradually they are becoming more popular.


That is a great way to become more creative and modern while sticking to the old proven techniques. Unlike dying a fur yellow or orange or something.



  • 2 weeks later...

I'm embarrassed to report that less than two years ago I had Kaufman's Furs custom make me a fox parka. Despite proper care, and not much wear, I noticed after ten months that one of my sleeves started to rip away from the body of the jacket making for a six inch hole. I complained to Marc Kaufman and also expressed that I wanted the pelt replaced because it looked very thin. I got it back and it appeared that he only sewed it back up. Now here it is a year later...i just got my coats back from cold storage and my local furrier noticed another four inch hole in the lower back side of the coat. The coat is literally falling apart at the seams. The pelts are paper thin, hence the reason it's not staying together. I contacted Marc Kaufman about my situation only to say he would repair it if i mailed it back to him. I replied that at this point I wanted my money back since the coat is substandard quality, and is going to continue to fall apart - he has ignored me.


I gambled that this might be a good place to buy my fur because he had some hip styles for men....but I was wrong, and I lost.


Manny tanners are making the hides thinner and thinner for light weight.


Not a good turn in furs.




The coat is literally falling apart at the seams.


That totally sucks. You buy a custom coat to get the style and details you desire ... And to be assured of quality materials and construction. I have had seven fur items custom made for me over the past ~ eight years and fortunately each item turned out superbly.


As I mentioned in a previous post, I was in Kaufman's around two years ago and received lousy service and will not be going back.


That really sucks.

I understand why a furrier would not agree to give the money back after one or two years, but he could have done a good job from the first place. A custom made fur means that the pelts and work is done for you and you only and therefore the fur is fresh new. I would understand if that happened to a stock fur but not to a custom made fur.


As for the lght-weght thin techniques. Tanneries nowadays remove flesh from the animal with certain techniques in order to lighten them. This could cause though, if cut too thin, the hair to fall off and the fur to shred, even if new...


Marc's pieces come from China, they are not custom. Marc is my friend, so I cannot say more. He helped me get started in the business when no one else would bother.


imricardito, sorry you had that happen. One thing I have learned working with the fur district is caveat emptor. ...even when you are friends. It is part of the culture there and with them folding right-and-left, you have to be very careful.


I received a fur from one of the top wholesaler that reeked of mold. They figured I was so new I would not know the difference. It was not Marc, and he is a retailer, not a wholesaler.


By the way, repairing this coat is useless, they can line it with reinforcement like furbond, but it will never feel right.




All, thanks for your support, and wise words. I'm still pretty angry that I got taken like I did. I hesitated to write anything here for the simple reason that I feel foolish that i lost so much money, but from most (not all JGalanos) of what I've read about Kaufman's here on this site, it seems like his place is/was decent...and that's just not true. My coat is a blatant example of the garbage.


Linda, I referenced that my coat was "custom" in the sense that I did not buy one off the rack, but had Marc make the coat up to my own unique design. And no tears will be shed from my house that fur businesses are folding right-and-left in the district...especially if they're ripping folks off, and for the fact that you have to be "careful"...how awful! And finally, yes, you better believe i will be more careful next time.


Very unfortunate situation. You would expect 4 - 5 years of service from even a mediocre fox parka. My silver fox coat (entering its 8th season) still looks and feels great.

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