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Furs are Home

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I am having an unbelievably wonderful weekend as all the rest of my furs are now home from summer vacation, just in time for the colder weather coming in the next few weeks. Still waiting on my three new double sided f/l hooded coats...they should be ready in November so I will have a coyote, a blue fox, and a red fox to go with my silver fox from last season. Truly a much anticipated arrival to say the least.

Hopefully many of you will be experiencing similar days of joy soon as you get your furs home.




What are they lined with?


I'll have my new Lynx lined hooded jacket about then too and my new Red Fox bed spread.


It's already cool here now and I'm sleeping under fur already.





I hope you gave each one of them a proper "Welcome home"!



Great news, Lynxette! I'm sure (given the sheer volume of garments) that your home must have felt "empty" without them.


I have not picked my coats up yet ... Currently planning to pick them up the latter half of October (they are stored out of town, so trying to pick them up at a convenient time) ... But not sure I can wait that long.

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