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Preferred Means of Finding Pictures

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I know there are a lot of folks who scan e-Bay and Webshots looking for pictures, but what means do the rest of you use?


I ask because I had some look using Google Picture search, although I did get a few vehemently anti-fur pictures too.


What other searches do you all use?


I used to find a lot looking through movie stars glamour star websites.

just pick a star and start digging.


I use Google and Yahoo's picture search too. But you've got to be cagey about how you type your search terms.


For instance, if you type the terms "FUR FETISH", you migt end up with a whole bunch of skanky stuff or some "Extreme Bondage" site that you weren't expecting.


Instead, try using terms like "FUR LOVE", "FUR BED", "FUR NUDE", etc. Avoid trigger words like "SEX", "BONDAGE" or "FiretrUCK".

You can also add terms to exclude by simply adding a minus sign. ("FUR LOVE -PETA") Will find all the items listed as "FUR" and "LOVE" but without reference to PETA.


Also try rearranging the terms. You get different hits if you type "NUDE FUR" instead of "FUR NUDE".


It works for me. Searching Google and Yahoo is how I ended up here!


I cheated - I've got a couple of DVDs of fur pics from the old NTC and Fur Palace!



I use Google and Yahoo's picture search too. But you've got to be cagey about how you type your search terms.


For instance, if you type the terms "FUR FETISH", you migt end up with a whole bunch of skanky stuff or some "Extreme Bondage" site that you weren't expecting.


Instead, try using terms like "FUR LOVE", "FUR BED", "FUR NUDE", etc. Avoid trigger words like "SEX", "BONDAGE" or "FiretrUCK".

You can also add terms to exclude by simply adding a minus sign. ("FUR LOVE -PETA") Will find all the items listed as "FUR" and "LOVE" but without reference to PETA.


Also try rearranging the terms. You get different hits if you type "NUDE FUR" instead of "FUR NUDE".


It works for me. Searching Google and Yahoo is how I ended up here!



For some reason im dorkishly ammused by "FiretrUCK" >_>;


I use the search engines to look for things like "Holiday party pictures", "Christmas party photo gallery" and "Club party photos".

Now, if you do this, you will look through a lot of pages but I have found some good ones using this search criteria.

Yacht clubs and rotary clubs typically have some fur in them, as they have an upscale membership. Also, if the particular club is in a warm climate like Miami or L.A., those ladies still like to wear fur to the Holiday party.

Yes I have done lots of searching through these types of websites and there is fur there if you don't care to spend a lot of time searching for it.



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