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JGalanos Hits 1,000!!!!

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What a great day it is here at the Den! We get to welcome another member to the four-figure posts club - JGALANOS! Thank you for all your contributions here!!!! Congratulations!




Hey FL... As Site Owner here I should have had the chance to do that first!!!


JG it is really great to have another member hit the one thousand mark. Your posts are always so interesting and so well thought out! Congratulations for hitting this plateau.


It is always so great when a member hits this mark. Mods and Admins have to converse back and forth about things here and so our post count goes up quickly. It is kind of like cheating in a way. For members to hit it like JG has, it is a real tribute to his dedication here. I will not mention the names of other members who have accomplished this as I will probably forget someone. But, not many have.


JG we look forward to hearing a great deal more from you in the future!






Congratulations. And, thank you so much for your thought provoking posts! You add so much to our furry family here.




JG hits his first big one










Not quite ten posts in the amount of time I'm making one, but pretty darn near it.


Congratulations! And thanks for the contributions.



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