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and for those of you who subscribed to 'Howard TV', Howard Stern's pay per view TV channel, be sure to check out the 'Miss Howard Stern Show, episode 1' that features The Fur Bus!





...Now the bad news - not as much 'fur' on that thing as you'd like to think, and the vast, vast majority of it is fake.

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Two movies: American Gangster (Denzel's chinchilla coat was auctioned off by Wachtenheim furs of California about two years ago, when the movie was in production)...


...and 'Why Did I Get Married'.


I'm going to see both...

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  • 4 months later...

btw I just saw the movie and I have a suspision that they are throwing a rex in the fireplace, not te chinchilla.... anyone else?

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btw I just saw the movie and I have a suspision that they are throwing a rex in the fireplace, not te chinchilla.... anyone else?


Have not seen the movie yet ... But that would certainly be an economical alternative.

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So... Has everybody forgotten about the movie, "The Other Boleyn Girl?"






We have had frame grabs in our gallery since last November!


thumb_OBG1.jpg thumb_OBG3.jpg thumb_OBG4.jpg


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I'm surprised! This movie has been in theaters for over a week in the US! I expected there to be lots of chatter about it but have heard little more than a peep!


Anybody seen it? How about a fur review!

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We've also got grabs from "Why Did I get Married?"






thumb_WDIGM1.jpg thumb_WDIGM3.jpg thumb_WDIGM4.jpg thumb_WDIGM5.jpg


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This one has been out for a while. (Last October.) You should be able to rent/buy it on DVD. The disk was released on Feb. 12.




Sure! The guys all wear fur in "Boleyn Girl" but get a load of the BED that Eric Bana bags Scarlett Johanssen in!




That ought to be worth the price of admission right there! No?

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Have you got a smaller version of that? It's pretty large for a sig.

If you can get that down to under 100 pixels I can help you link it in.


We have to keep our dial-up members in mind. Plus, having large pictures in sigs makes pages look messy and too hard to read.


I don't get the reference. Are you talking about John Phoenix from the "Executioner" books? I never read them. I only know them from hearing other people talking about them.

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Got it. It just turned out Flick has different urls, and I had to find one that ended with a picture extension.


And it's an X-Men reference.

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I have wondered since wallee helped me with mine, exactly what is a "Remote Site"?


Where can I buy one





It means a website other than this one, preferably that allows hotlinking to it.


That is, unless this was a silly post.

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Not at all. An area of the Internet I'm not very familiar with, or maybe not fully understand?


Such as what, like addresses?





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Not at all. An area of the Internet I'm not very familiar with, or maybe not fully understand?


Such as what, like addresses?






Any site, as long as it's not this one, or any host sites.


In other words, it could be yahoo, ebay, imdb, netflix, or any other site that is not connected to this one.

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A new movie coming out with what looks like plenty of fur is, "Miss _____ Lives for a Day". Sorry but I forget the woman's last name in the title. It stars Amy Adams as a rich young woman who also wears alot of furs. In one scene in the trailer, she says "Don't you just love the feeling of fur on your skin?" Very hot and definately worth checking out!

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  • 6 months later...

Another movie with fur scenes:


"The Counterfeiters" (AKA: "Die Fälscher")

German/Eng. Subtitle




Link to picture: http ://ia.media-imdb.com/images/...


The fur scenes are in the beginning few scenes and at the end.

The middle of the movie is pretty stark. This is a drama about a WWII German prison camp. If German prison camps turn you off, it would probably be best to skip this movie. I wouldn't watch this movie simply because there are a few fur scenes. However, I consider the fur a bonus in a movie that I liked on its own merits.


The story begins with the protagonist, Salomon 'Sally' Sorowitsch (Karl Markovics), entering an upscale hotel at Monte Carlo. He throws quite a bit of money around and attracts the attentions of one of the fur clad ladies in the casino, (Dolores Chaplin).


Further on, Sorowitsch spends time in his cheap, run down apartment with another woman where they share a bed covered with a fur bedspread.


At this point, Sorowitsch, is captured by the Nazis and sent to the camp. As you can well imagine, there is no more fur until the end of the movie.


Again, I wouldn't rent or buy this movie simply because of a few scenes with fur but, if you like this kind of historical fiction, you will be pleasantly surprised by them.


Movie: **** (out of 5)

Fur: ** 1/2 (out of 5)

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  • 2 weeks later...

American Gangster has just been shown on tv so I was able to see it last night: nice coat for Denzel; but better was his wife modelling it for him! She is gorgeous! When they go to the fight, she wears a splendid full-length cream-coloured mink and there are others around them. Near the end, when he is arrested, you surely saw his mum wearing mink, too, and wife wearing f-l mink! I kind of liked the movie...

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