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A funny thing happened at the market...

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I was at Wild Oats shopping in Columbus yesterday (for those who don't know this is an upscale grocery/health food store with all natural items... very froufy and loaded with wealthier people, cause let's face it, if you're poor don't try to eat healthy or you'll not be able to pay rent, trust me!). So taking this into account, one would expect to see women shopping in thier furs in winter, right? At least you would think the employees would realize this is their clientele... but the employees are mostly college age, new age hippy kids. Kind of a strange mix, eh? So I am wearing my black fox stroller and have my red fox purse with little hair tie to match. I am checking out and this young girl who is to bag my items just is staring at me the whole time, and I hear the wheels clacking in her brain as she struggled to find her words; finally she says, "I hope that isn't real fur." A big smile came across my face as I turned and looked her full in the eyes and said, loudly for all to hear around me, "Oh yes, it is real! I love my fur! I didn't wear it for over half of my life because some people didn't like it. Now I am at a point where I don't care what other people think and I will wear what I wish proudly!" The male cashier, the same age as the girl, smiled, laughed and as he took my money and said, "That's awsome! It is a really pretty coat, by the way." I just smiled at him and looked back at her as she was dumbfounded and silent, as a mule... oh hey, yeah, she is a mule, that's right! To be the bigger person, I looked her in the eye as I took my bag from her (she didn't even offer it out to me!) and said, "You have a great day!"


I cannot tell you all how satisfied I was, how stupid and senseless she showed herself to be and how bloody funny it was!!!! I was just a bit sad that my boyfriend was in the car and my friend had already left as well, so only I got to enjoy the moment. Oh well.


Funny thing is, I used to live by that store and am still a regular there and the manager on duty (who knows and likes me) was on the cash register right behind me, and heard the whole thing. If I really wanted to be shitty, I could have cost her that job for having offended and insulted a customer... but I am a good girl at heart and just wanted to let her know she should think before blindly spewing out rhetoric to just anyone. Silly bitch! No offense to any of the other ladies here, please do not take it that way... but when the truth hurts (and she was a self-righteous little wank), well that's just a shame.


Hey Theresa!


Sorry to sound corny but - You go girl!!

Would've loved to have been a fly on the wall, and heard the whole thing. Am betting the look on the girl cashier's face after her male colleague's comment was priceless!!! Heck, I agree with him actually - you always look great in furs, Theresa!!


Just my humble opinion..




Miss T;


I had exactly the opposite experience in a very similar market here earlier this winter. I do see an occational fur there.


I was checking out and the girl bagger couldn't help herself from reaching out and stroking the mink of my mink lined suede jacket. It has a wonderful big mink hood. She said "Love the hood!"


I gave her a big smile.




My own experience is overwhelming positive in terms of the comments my wife and I get from others about our furs.


One Saturday night a few weeks ago my wife and I walked into the lobby of a large hotel here in town as we headed for the hotel's nightclub.


I was wearing my beaver-lined coat and my wife had her blue fox stroller on. Three people at the front desk said, almost in unision, "I love your furs." "They look great!"


It was a wonderful evening all around.


sf fur


usually the comments are only positive here in little old dayton, too, so it was funny and an opportunity i couldn't pass up.


not to sound cocky, but yes she was messin' with the wrong girl. ha!


I wish I could have been there! Good Job!

TYPICALLY, I am not one to keep my mouth shut either, BUT, Fox has taught me a thing or two about trying to do so. I think if it came to an insult on our furs though, he would have given her a mouth full before I could have gotten a word out.


I echo what "Unc" said: "You go, girl!"


Same kind of confrontation for me on Monday this week. It was cold enough for me to wear my opposum-lined coat with its huge shawl collar.


"Ewwwww . . ." (That's all I heard, and I already wanted to puke!) "Ewwwww . . . Is that real fur?" (Actually, a very attractive young woman, who would look absolutely astonishing in blue fox!)


"Why, yes, as a matter of fact it is! Why do you ask?"


"Don't you feel guilty that poor little animals died just so you could wear it?"


"Why, no, not at all, but let me ask you something. Would you feel better if I was wearing something that caused the death of people? You know - people like me and you?"


"Huh? What do you mean?"


"Would you prefer that it was fake fur?"


"Oh. Yeah."


"You know that fake fur is made from petroleum byproducts?"


"Uh, no."


"And the manufacturing process contributes to the pollution of our planet?"


"I didn't know that."


"Do you believe in God?"


"Yes, I do!"


"Do you believe in the word of God?"


"Of course."


"Then you must believe that God meant it when he said we should have dominion over the animals. You wouldn't dispute God's word, would you?"




"Then you should seriously consider buying a fur coat! You would be gorgeous in blue fox!"


She just looked at me with her mouth hanging open. I winked at her and walked away. For all I know I got half the peace sign thrown at me behind my back. On the other hand, maybe the next time I see that young woman, she'll be wearing blue fox . . .






Right arm!! oops Right On!! as we use to say.




I would have paid to see that . I love it when people like that get put in they're place.


My wife had a similar experience a few weeks ago in Taos, New Mexico. I was skiing, she was shopping. Its a very trendy, but very eclectic community, heavy into new age, back to nature, hippies, the very wealthy, just an odd mix. Every where she went in her golden island she got raves No negatives at all. It makes me wonder why there is the perception that fur is not popular. It was a show stopper out there.


Interesting topic. Shelley and I went to city over in central washington a few weeks ago and the weather was extremely cold that weekend so we took her Platina Fox coat and I took my Golden Island Fox coat. We got so many positive comments from everyone we came into contact with. People just seemed to love the coats:)

We stpped in a small town in the Columbia River Gorge about a week ago and shelley had brought her new sheared Nutria coat with purple Fox trim hood and I had my sheared Beaver coat when we went into a restuarant for dinner. while were at the cash register the girl behind the counter made the comment that she loved our fur coats.

It is just amazing that you go out with regular clothes on and no one says anything. We go out in our furs and people always want to feel the coats or want to tell us how much they love our coats.

Unfortunately Spring and Summer are coming pretty soon and the coats will have to go back into storage until next Fall


Kevin and Shelley


Miss Theresa

i think thats GREAT *grinning*

to see a Woman who truely KNOWS what She wants and what She wants to wear is a GREAT thing!!

i would have loved to see that girls mouth go slack jawed as it were


never mess with a Woman in Fur is my motto...obviously she never heard that before




I always love hearing your stories like this! They're always so inspirational and just plain awesome!!!!!


I probably wouldn't have been as patient as MissTheresa.


The first time somebody approaches me or my wife about some issue like that, we ignore them. The second time I'll probably say something like, "It's none of your business. Leave me alone!" If they come again, they'll probably get an earfull!"


There have only been two times in my life when I have actually done something like that. To tell the truth I'm not especially proud of them but, I'm sorry, I don't like to be pushed.


They would have had their three chances and fair warning.


Should it ever come to it, I would have no problem using all legal means of self-defense that are at my disposal.





It is always great to see a new member contributing to our furry community.


Myself like sf fur, triboy, shelly and keven, if we only had positive and complimentary remarks none of this angst would be necessary and we could get on with life and enjoy our furs in public as we do anywhere else.


Unfortunately there are 'spoilers' out there who have sufficient personal inadequacies that drive them to make life miserable for others for any number of reasons.


I was watching the murder of John Lennon last night. Talk about deranged spoilers. A nut case with displaced issues of personal inadequacies.


It's nice we have a community we can share the bad moments with the good ones.


Welcome furlover101. I take it that's the course you're taking now?




I love what everyone has said in this thread. I wish my wife would read this. She know's I love fur but doesn't like it herself, or at least doesn't seem to. She wears leathers; jackets, coats, chaps etc. Everytime I want to get her a nice fur I get a somewhat negative reaction. I explain a lot of the same things that have been said here but still nothing. I own 3 fox and 1 rabbit fur. Once when we went to the North woods to a cabin I had my nutria lined leather. When we went outside to smoke she had to wear mine because it was much warmer than hers. I just need to keep working on her, she just cares to much for what other people think in this subject and others.


Again great job all on wearing your furs with pride and happiness. I hope I can do the same soon.




just keep at it, one day i think she will see, especially if she was willing to put your coat on to be warm... that's a start! good luck!


it is good to hear all the other stories about wearing out furs.


You know, I wish people would just keep their mouths shut if they don't agree with others wearing fur. They often just sound self-righteous and stuck up. I'm glad you punked out that little snot, Theresa. Right on.


And welcome Snake.


nice to have you in the crowd.


BTW, hope your venom is directed only at Petaphiles and not us mere mortals *grin*

And welcome Snake.


nice to have you in the crowd.


BTW, hope your venom is directed only at Petaphiles and not us mere mortals *grin*


Oh, believe me, PETA and any other hypocritical animal rights group/individuals are the only ones who will get any venom from me. Everyone here on the boards is cool.

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