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In Canada we are still ok, but we will be next. Indeed it will only stop when we learn as individuals that we must pay others in OUR country the same wage as we ourselves wish to make. That is buy products made in our own country.


And I am very, very afraid that this will be a very, very hard learned lesson indeed!



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It definitely won't be a good lesson to live but I think it's been a long time in the making.. Aside from other issues, the only concern I have is will it be a 'learning lesson' or something that happens and no one attempts to learn from?

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As the Daily Show said, this is God's fault. They just meant it in the context of the Canadian dollar, but it still applies here. In the past, the US Dollar has been worth more than any currency on Earth, save for the British Pound.* And the pound was only acceptable because its name meant something heavy.


Now that other currency denominations are above the dollar, I'm wondering why God has forsaken us.



*Based on my painstaking research, from off the top of my head.

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I agree with Linda here. The stock market is at a low not felt in many years. As stocks depreciate in value so do the dollars behind them and vice versa. Though she just said that the stock market would be next, I feel that it's part of why the dollar is low to begin with. Also in worldly speak we are kind of seen as an unstable nation right now in the US. You are all smart here, so I need not explain.


As far as repeating mistakes.........SO TRUE!



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