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I want to say thank you!!!

Guest dragon

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I want to say thank you to all the mods, contributers, and management of this forum for supporting me, and recognizing the truth. I am beholding to my LONG time friend frbrgr for weathering a storm and never losing faith.

please believe one thing. I will ALWAYS spoil my customers with the best fur related entertainment I can possibly make!! I love it too remember! LOL

White fox, and all the guys are great people! Jay Kraft (NRG) and TFG LLC (me) are dedicated to making you happy, I dont hide. [email protected] ...I WOULD LOVE to hear form YOU!!


thanks again,

Dragon TFG LLC

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For those of you who are too new to these sites to know Dragon, he is one of the "Old Stalwarts" of the fur community pretty much since the beginning. If not for he and others like our Founder FrBrGr and the owner of Melody O'hair Fuzzywol (when it was on the net) - to mention just three of many , we would not have these great places today.



White Fox


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I will second that! If it hadn't have been for the Fur Den at MOH, I would maybe still feel wierd about having this beautiful affection of fur that I have. To FrBrGr, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as well. Starting this great community that we all share is a blessing to us like minded folks. I myself appreciate the fact that I've been able to convey my thoughts on a regular or semi-regular basis. It was because of this forum of fur, that I was able to write my fantasy story that still lives on via WhiteFox's hard work to secure it a place on the WWW after the "olde Den" closed up shop. FrBrGr you are the man!!! Thanks for starting this awesome thing, keep on keepin on and I raise a glass to you my man! Furry Dreams!!!


As a side note to Dragon, Cookie, JK(NRG), WhiteFox, and ALL of the amazing moderators that have been so cool carrying out the dreams of men and women. Thank you guys and gals too. You all work so hard to keep this fur community driving forward. It is a testament to a man like FrBrGr who had this idea, this dream, and is seeing it flourish more and more each day!


Sorry so long, but true,



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It so nice to hear some great words of support... I am touched...


long live sexy furs..


Dragon.. of course I love the new site more than anybody else!!!! cos I am in it.




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I am beholding to my LONG time friend frbrgr for weathering a storm and never losing faith.



I will second that! If it hadn't have been for the Fur Den at MOH, I would maybe still feel wierd about having this beautiful affection of fur that I have. To FrBrGr, I thank you from the bottom of my heart as well. Starting this great community that we all share is a blessing to us like minded folks. I myself appreciate the fact that I've been able to convey my thoughts on a regular or semi-regular basis. It was because of this forum of fur, that I was able to write my fantasy story that still lives on via WhiteFox's hard work to secure it a place on the WWW after the "olde Den" closed up shop. FrBrGr you are the man!!! Thanks for starting this awesome thing, keep on keepin on and I raise a glass to you my man! Furry Dreams!!!


As a side note to Dragon, Cookie, JK(NRG), WhiteFox, and ALL of the amazing moderators that have been so cool carrying out the dreams of men and women. Thank you guys and gals too. You all work so hard to keep this fur community driving forward. It is a testament to a man like FrBrGr who had this idea, this dream, and is seeing it flourish more and more each day!


Sorry so long, but true,




It so nice to hear some great words of support... I am touched...


I, too, am touched . . . !


First of all, to my friend, Dragon - We've shared and shared and shared over the years, haven't we brother? When people doubted us most, we hung in there together. People tend to only look at the surface of someone and see what they want to see and make judgements accordingly. (We both know what that's like!) I only wish everyone could see the heart of a person, and know you like I have gotten to know you over the years. Yeah, I know that blows your image as a real "hardass" but folks - this is one guy who is the real deal. Don't try to screw him, but treat him fairly and he'll do anything in the world for you. I am lucky to have him as a friend.


And FurKyle - Wow! What can I say, but thank you from the bottom of my heart! There's nothing like hearing someone voice a simple "thank you" to make all the work that's gone into creating, developing and nurturing a dream seem worthwhile. As most of you know, I no longer take an active role in the administration and moderation of this website. In fact, I am no longer the owner of The Fur Den. White Fox has tried to downplay the fact that he is the new owner, and that isn't surprising, given the fact that he is a very humble man, but let me assure you that I would have never turned over the future of The Fur Den to him if I hadn't felt that he shares the same dream that Pat, the original MinkMan, and founder of The Fur Club, the first fur lovers website on the internet, had. I wouldn't have entrusted the Den to him if I hadn't seen that he shared the same commitment I had to the fur community and the same commitment that I had to carry on MinkMan's dream of providing a safe haven for fur lovers of all backgrounds and lifestyles, of providing a place where all could come and share their thoughts, their feelings and experiences without the fear of being ridiculed or judged. People, being human as they can sometimes be, and therefore not perfect, have occasionally gotten in the way of that goal, and The Fur Den has not always maintained that perfect atmosphere, but like the people who may have forgotten for a brief time why the Den exists, the Den can't be expected to be perfect; we can all only hope that we can help it approach that lofty goal and do everything we can to ensure it.


Let me have just another moment on my soapbox to ask everyone to do this - Let's please do everything we can to unite fur lovers from all over the world. Whether it is here, at Dragon's, at Mikhail's - where ever - even the smallest group on Yahoo - ! All places have a special or different appeal that can satisfy every taste. Let's please embrace these opportunities! Dragon and I remember when all that existed was one website that had a discussion forum and a small collection of photos. Fur stories were a rarity. Videos were unheard of. Now look at what is available! Let's all be thankful of what we have and do everything we can to make it even better. For those of you who visit our sites but never contribute your thoughts, feelings or experiences, please reconsider being more selfless. For those of you who really appreciate what is being done, please consider donating a small (or large) amount of money to help defray the mounting costs of providing you with endless hours of entertainment. Be a sponsor!


Once again, thank you for your kind thoughts. You will never know how much they meant to me at this time in my life.

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Welcome back, big D!! I guess reports of your demise were greatly exaggerated!! Hope you will be posting more often - you've only done it 24 times.. hehehe


Watson, stop that duck!! (damn you Spike - inside joke)

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FrBrGr, I can't tell you how happy and thankful I am to see your response. While you are no longer active in the day to day workings of the Den, this is the house that you built. It's your home. You belong here. When I first went on-line in 1996 and somehow discovered the original NTC, there was FrBrGr. Gradually, the discussion groups moved from Delphi to Melody to TheFurDen - there was FrBrGr, the one great constant in the 'internet fur universe.' The opening of the new Den was the realization of your dream. Some great things have been done along the way - and you have my personal promise that everyone here will always keep this site as you intended, a safe haven for all of us who appreciate the beauty and touch of fur.



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Watson, stop that duck!!


Is inspector Holmes upset to to point of violence?



Watson My hypodermic!!

are you hearing "uncle joe" coming?? No need to duck!!


spike is a disease! hahahaha

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