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Brandy-uk Photographs- "Contrast Fur" - parti


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Hi Everyone..


I had a lovely request for a photo session.. and the result turned out really bold..


This is a Mouton and wild woods photo set...but my camera guy wanted to make it bold and exciting so he pushed up the colour filters and contrast...


I think it makes for quite and exciting photo set.




Above is the link to the free pictures.. as usual I will post some more of them into the gallery here.


As usual, no one is forced to join my site.. I just want to share the photography with you all on the Fur Den..





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Hey Brandy!!


As per usual, great pix!! I do think the contrast editing is pretty much spot on in these pix; even before editing, I think the colours of the tree and your coat do contrast / oppose each other rather well (if that makes sense).


As for requests, do hope you got my email a few days back - oh, and my Xmas card too!!



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Hi uncle Joe.. Lovely to hear from you, I don't catch you on MSN at the moment.but then we are all busy getting ready for x-mas..


I got your card.. I love the Penguins..




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Thank you for being very kind and sharing your pictures with us Brandy, they are very beautiful, especially the latest ones, nice background in the woods!

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Another wonderful job, Brandy! I especially like the use of the filters and contrast. IMO they make your photos even more glamorous.



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Hate to say it, but as being a digital photographer and photoshop user (I love to shoot film, especially with my Hassy, but digital is just more quick. don't forget photoshop is the digital processing part) I have to see this photographer has got a few things to learn

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oh dear.. you seem to have missed the point... the over-contrast and over use of colour was a WANTED effect...


I note you are from Holland...?




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I am having a right little crazy run on fuzzy contrast and colours with furs..


my latest photo set has gone even more wacky..


PARTIAL NUDITY .... so beware..




cute little fur waistcoat though..the guns and fur theme has been a big hit with my members...





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When one has strayed away from the places he's grown accustomed to, he misses the picture, or pictures in this case, it would seem.


Southern Charms has never been my number one, knock em' sock em' favorite site for viewing attractive women since I have only rarely had a chance to see said attractive women gracing their site. Just my opinion, everyone, and an outdated one it would seem in light of the photos that brandy-uk has shared in this thread and the others.


In a word, "Wow." If I were allowed to use more words, and keep in mind I'm making one post for the multitude of images I found, I could probably gush and type and go on all day.


Fur has... spectrums, I suppose the word for it is. There are those who will like Fur X with Girl Y in Pose Z more than others who have other taste and so on and so forth, but Brandy's pictures (and this could be as easily aimed at Brandy herself), really seem to cover the range and few of them weren't -for lack of anything intelligent to say- "Va-va-voom!"


Your photos, and the surprising explosion of the gallery, has made me decide that I'm not going to be able to take any extended leaves of absence in the future.


Just plain awesome work, folks.

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Thankyou so much for such beautiful wording and wonderful statements.


It really means a lot to me to hear them. I am , after all, just a housewife with a passion for fur and photos..


your kind words have made me enjoy what I do more than ever and without such words of encouragement a lady (naturaly full of insecurities) may want to 'stop' her hobby and passion.






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Brandy, if it may please the courts, I would dare to go so far to mention, in my usual the more words the better style, that while you may indeed be a house wife (and with a lucky husband, one would guess) who sees her work as a hobby, you wouldn't be out of place alongside any center-fold girl, professional fur model, or their like.


While I am a notorious nit-picker about what I personally like and I didn't find the same knock out power in every photo in your shoots, as a whole I am favorably inclined to say that your work is impressive, that I felt on a few occasions that saying that your work is a hobby would be like the goddess Aphrodite saying she just dabbled in the 'love thing,' and that so long as you grace this site with your work that you'll be the pin-up fantasy girl in many a person's midnight musings.


I apologize for droning on and on, but when I see something that I like I feel inclined to let the person who did it know it.


I'm probably behind the curve on everyone else here as well. I just took a look at your photos this morning, whereas everyone else has had the whole of the time you've been here to gush.


Thank you.

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