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Shopping. A fur game. Disappointment.


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Wife and I drove to Tulsa today for Christmas shopping at a very upscale shopping area, not a mall, but a collection of about 4 blocks of stores. Its a great place for walking and window shopping. It's been in the high 30s all day, a cold, misty, dreary day, chilly wind.


Wife chose to wear her lynx vest with fox trim, theres a pic of me in it in the gallery. She looked fab, and certainly we fit right in the upscale market of these shops. Here's the game: I took her crystal fox and her black mink. The game is she starts in one fur, but as soon as we see another woman in fur, we have to go back and change into what we just saw. So if we were to see a woman in fox, its back to the SUV, change into the fox.


Now the disappointment: Did not see one other fur all two hours we were there. There are 2 department stores there that sell furs, but no one was wearing on what should have been a fantastic fur day. Nor did anyone comment to my wife about the lynx, which, as you know, is a show stopper kind of fur, hard not to notice. Guess we might be kidding ourselves about fur being 'back.'

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Wow -- Your experience was far different from mine a week ago (several hundred miles northeast). It was slightly colder than that in Chicago (hovering around 32) ... And I saw dozens of furs (there were multiple furs on every block of Michigan Avenue north of the river) -- Including one guy in a nice reversible mink/leather jacket (worn mink side out) and me in full length ranch mink. Sorry you were disappointed.


It's still bitterly cold here (~14 degrees outside right now). I wore my full length fisher coat (wonderfully warm) this evening. Winter has not officially arrived yet and I have already worn 6 of my 8 furs. The thermometer is not supposed to rise above freezing for the next week so I'm sure I'll be 8 for 8 well before Christmas.

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Are you afraid that someone will see you put the furs in the SUV and break into it to steal your furs?


Not really. This is a very public space. No huge parking lots, you park right in front of the stores. People go back and forth to their cars with packages and leave them and move on. We aren't careless, we are aware of our surroundings. Thanks for the concern

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Wow -- Your experience was far different from mine a week ago (several hundred miles northeast). It was slightly colder than that in Chicago (hovering around 32) ... And I saw dozens of furs (there were multiple furs on every block of Michigan Avenue north of the river) -- Including one guy in a nice reversible mink/leather jacket (worn mink side out) and me in full length ranch mink. Sorry you were disappointed.


It's still bitterly cold here (~14 degrees outside right now). I wore my full length fisher coat (wonderfully warm) this evening. Winter has not officially arrived yet and I have already worn 6 of my 8 furs. The thermometer is not supposed to rise above freezing for the next week so I'm sure I'll be 8 for 8 well before Christmas.


Tulsa has always had a significant upscale aspect to it, kind of a small Dallas, (thanks to those of you who pay big bucks to put gas in your vehicles) and as late a 1990 had 4 independent furriers along with 4 department stores that had furs. So I KNOW the furs are out there, just can't seem to get some women out of the dreaded wind suit and into something a little classier.

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Actually it has been somewhat similar here of late as well. However, here what has been taking place is that women are using them in a slightly more private atmosphere rather than shopping. Go to the theater, to a party, to a museum and you are likely to see them. Sit in front of a large building with many secretaries and you will likely see them.


Also, more and more there are "Fur cities". Like Chicago.


I think that it is now a waiting game. They are indeed coming in stronger than ever on the whole! But, we are not there yet. And this just proves it. The more of us here who have wives who wear fur, and the more of us here who wear fur ourselves, all help to bring it even further forward all that much faster too!



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"Guess we might be kidding ourselves about fur being 'back.'"


Based on your two hour experience? How do you know you didn't simply have bad timing, or something else? One counter example doesn't debunk a whole notion.


Okay, if the notion is an absolute, one example debunks it, but this isn't an absolute notion.

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The game is she starts in one fur, but as soon as we see another woman in fur, we have to go back and change into what we just saw. So if we were to see a woman in fox, its back to the SUV, change into the fox.


Don't try to play this game in downtown Chicago on a cold Saturday. It would be exhausting. You'd have to walk back to your vehicle multiple times per half hour and bring mink, fox, beaver, coyote, sable, lynx, and raccoon garments with you. You'd get nothing else accomplished ... It would be more like a work out than a game methinks.

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I'm almost always the one wearing the fur in my town unfortunately.


On the other hand I get only positive responses. I have yet to get a negative comment. Even in fur PC Seattle on the UW campuses.



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Also, more and more there are "Fur cities". Like Chicago.


WF -- I think Chicago definitely qualifies as a "Fur City". Fur is valued for fashion AND warmth there. Situated along Lake Michigan, it can get unbelievably cold there.


I don't think I have mentioned this before, but last February I was in Chicago on what must have been the coldest day of winter 2007. It was ~5 degrees F at 2:00 p.m. with the wind blowing off the lake at ~30 MPH. I did some shopping and went to the theatre that evening ... Wearing my ankle length (literally brushes the shoe tops) fisher coat, cashmere scarf, and leather gloves. Unfortunately, I left without a hat or something to cover my face ... But at least I was warm from the neck down! I think my face must have got a touch of frostbite, as the next day the skin on my nose started peeling off in a couple of places.


Next time I'll have to remember to wear my fisher trooper hat ... I do not want to experience another "frostbite" episode again in this lifetime! Milwaukee (also situated along the Lake) can also get "killer cold" in winter. On those "killer" days, fur seems essential for survival. As long as I can keep the coat closed, 30 MPH artic winds do not penetrate my furs -- Especially the luxuriously long-haired fisher, coyote, and fox.

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