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New Pictures in the Gallery

White Fox

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I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all of the folks who have posted such great photos lately. I hate to name folks as we always miss people. but the following come to mind as just a few of the posters.


Today, our Founder FrBrGr was back posting a whole lot of photos. We hope he is going to have more time to spend with us again in the very near future.


On top of that are the great photos that Roninphy finds and comes up with. Itsend has given us so many, and Scott has posted some great ones lately as well.


And lastly our Den Mod - OFF.


I really want to think all of you folk, plus all others who have posted such great photos lately. It is such a great pleasure to be an administrator of such a tremendous site!


White Fox

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What a great christmas present I've returned to! Thanks to all.


To FrBrGr especially i have to say



you have a fantastic eye!!!!!!!!! They are beyond words.

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