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Fish Fur?

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Quote from Wikipedia:





'Fish-fur' is a slang term used in the Russian Army for the fake fur often used on winter clothing and the ubiquitous ushanka hats. So-named because it does not come from any recognisable animal, artificial fur is often a by-product of the petrochemical process.



Okay... So, which one of you guys has been fooling around?!

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Quote from Wikipedia:





'Fish-fur' is a slang term used in the Russian Army for the fake fur often used on winter clothing and the ubiquitous ushanka hats. So-named because it does not come from any recognisable animal, artificial fur is often a by-product of the petrochemical process.



Okay... So, which one of you guys has been fooling around?!


It was the Giant fur-bearing trout.

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More from Wikipedia:





Artificial fur hats are also manufactured, presently made frequently for sale to tourists. Artificial fur has sometimes been referred to as "fish fur"[2] since the material has no relation to any real fur. The simplest "fish fur" of ushankas was made of wool pile with cloth substrate and cloth top, with the exception of flaps, in which pile was exposed.


I think I know what I want for Christmas.




(But not one made from Fish fur!)


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