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Cindy Crawford

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Thought in my head whilst looking at 'YouTube' videos. Plenty of PETA promotion including one against Cindy. Interestingly, they had an address to send her hate mail at the end of the Video. Should we use these addresses to send messages of support?

After all, let them do the hard work for the addresses and we can benefit by it!


Now Auz


Are you really suggesting that we should stoop so low as to use details that they have worked so labouriously to attain against their wishes??


Sounds just like something that they would do WEG


Looks like that time in Oz has worked wonders on ya... even if it were in mexican territory *grin*


Doesn't Miss T.have a letter ready just for such an occassion?




I believe she does. But rumor has it she too has left.

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