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X-Mas Chuckle


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A game keeper in Canada is out in the snow, he is on the lookout for a wild and dangerous Bear that has been eating tourists..


After a few hours he just about gets to the top of a huge ravine..


Laying on the snow in a beautiful white fox fur he sees Brandy-uk, she is completely naked and is rolling around enjoying the soft touch of the fur on her skin..


He sneaks up to her and whispers...


"Are you game? "


Brandy Purrs and licks her lips, sexually she replies...


" I sure am!"


So The game keeper cocks his rifle and shoots her......




he he he he.. just a little joke for you guys.....




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I forget the movie. It was so long ago.

I think it was one with Burt Reynolds and Sally Field.


Burt loads a rather large revolver and holsters it under his waistband, down the front of his pants.


To which Sally replies, "Be careful! You might go off half cocked!"


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