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Happy New Year to All!


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The subject says it all. Wishing everyone here a happy, safe, prosporous and (most importantly!) furry new year!



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Yes Maddie, who would have ever thought that Florida would turn out to be a fur lover's paradise if only fur one night. It was frigid earlier this morning (about 32F/0C) when I took my morning walk. After wearing my leather bomber jacket over my sweats, I found that I was still a little chilly. What's one to do???? Oh, how 'bout changing into one's full length coyote coat for that cold morning walk! The only problem is that I think a few of the folks in my community are concerned that they saw 'bigfoot' walking through the neighborhood this morning!



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Well it might be a cold morning tomorrow too... I don't have a matching hat (let alone any other kind of fur hat) - maybe one of my 'play' boas would do the trick!



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