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A personal note to the fur family of the The Fur Den

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Folks, you may have noticed my silence over the last few months. I have shared so much with you in the past, I feel the need to have you know what is going on in my life and not have the silence viewed as indifference.


I am going through a divorce. Bob (my husband) is a wonderful person - we just did not belong together. The reasons why is really not important.


In sudden "deaths" there is a visible mourning period for all to see. For long prolonged "illnesses" the mourning occurs over time, so it may appear to those on the outside the "loss" was not as tragic. Both in reality are tragic. In my case, the "death" was very prolonged and it probably was at the heart of the illness that almost cost me my life a few years ago.


I am currently living in Atlanta area with a friend while I start building a new life and career. He is someone who thinks fur is just as erotic as I do. He knows about the site and does not mind my friendships and time here. But, I guess that should not surprise those who know me ...if he didn't, I would not be with him.


I am no longer setting at a computer all day as I was before, so my role here will not be so apparent. But, I will continue to be the same caring mod who is here hopefully almost everyday.


To White Fox: I know our divorce hurt you deeply. Visiting with Bob and I made you see what a wonderful person he was. You have been my friend and the heart of our family here. Words cannot explain the gratitude we all owe you here. You are the glue that has held us all together. I love you.


To FrBrGr: you will always hold a special place in my heart. Your support during my illness will never be forgotten. .. and, you will always be a presence here that no one can replace. Your leadership and commitment to this site has inspired a team of leaders and membership that can never be denied. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


AK and my fellow mods: I love and admire each and everyone of you. You each add so much to this wonderful site. I am so very proud to be a part of your team. Without your time and dedication there woul be no Fur Den.


To all of our contributing members: thank you all for your contributions to this wonderful site. You are the fur family. Your posts do matter ...each of your sharing strengthens the family and our fur world. You are the ones who will carry our love of fur on. Wheather it is link to site, a picture or a sharing you make the difference.


For those of you who read and don't type, I hope someday you to will know the joy of sharing with others here. If each of us can take our turn to take the time to share, it will allow the site to continue to grow and be nurtured.


To each and everyone of you, thank you for the role you play in this wonderful fur family we call The Fur Den.




Linda aka "Mom"


You will be in our thoughts, thanks and hang in there.




Indeed I hated to see this happen with You and Bob. However, what matters most is the happiness of both of you! Hopefully you will both find new mates who are more suited. I look forward to meeting your new friend, just as much as meeting with you again some time.


And what is so very important is that you are still a moderator here and still part of our family.


You mention the family here and folks looking in. Indeed folks, Linda has really described this so well. We are just like a family here. We are just like you. We are not a bunch of strange people that you would never like to know. We would love to meet you, and love to chat with you. And I am certain that each and every one of you would love it here too.


If you have not joined as a member yet we invite you to come and join us. You will love it here and consider it your home in a very short time. We would love to see you come and be part of our little group here.


As for members, again Linda puts it so well...

thank you all for your contributions to this wonderful site. You are the fur family. Your posts do matter ...each of your sharing strengthens the family and our fur world. You are the ones who will carry our love of fur on. Wheather it is link to a site, a picture or a sharing you make the difference.


Each and every one of you are what makes this place work so well.


And again Linda, we are all thinking of you and your happiness. And all so glad you are still with us!


White Fox


P.S. She said she Loved me!


Hey, Linda!


When I was talking to my jeweler just recently when I went out to buy my wife's anniversary gift. He's from the Atlanta area.


We got to shooting the bull about furs and he told me that Atlanta was one of the best cities in the U.S., outside of NYC, for the fur business.


So maybe this is just a bit of silver lining in the dark cloud. Eh?

Who knows? Maybe you could get hooked up with the Atlanta fur scene!


Dear Linda,


Out of one disaster a green leaf grows that becomes a wonderful tree - enjoy your new life and keep offering us your valuable idea and thoughts - not so sure about the jokes though!




Be strong, Linda.. Don't back down! You will get through this just fine and everything will be allright in the end.


Remember, we're never further away than a thought. hug.gif


Sorry to hear of your troubles, Linda. (I feared sumpin' was up.) Our thoughts are with you. Take care.


Hang in there Linda. You are one amazing gal!!! I have sent you a sappy PM and it is from all my heart


Love Kyle



it's nice to hear that you can start all over with a new guy(why not me...hehe).

Maybe I will find a new partner to in 2008.

Greetings from Belgium.





I know I have never met you..but your honesty and truthfulness of your post was heart felt and rang a clear bell.


I hope the best things happen for all parties involved.


good luck




Thanks everyone. Your support means so much to me.





Dear Linda,


... not so sure about the jokes though!




Auzmink!! You don't like my jokes??? I'll have you know that they are sorted from hundreds I receive!! You should see the ones I don't post!!! Why don't you post some of your British humor? (For new members, we post jokes in the Pub)


Linda: Very touching and very sad. So sorry for your current situation. I am not as close to you as some other shere, but you are truly as asset to this site and to the fur community. I hope everything works out for the best. I also live in Atlanta, so keep me in mind if I can help. Take care.




Thanks, Linda, for sharing your tough times. Our lives change. That doesn't always mean it'll be fun. I miss you. I accept you're dealing with heavy stuff and wish you all the best.


Best wishes!




All the best to both of you. I hope things work out for both of you.




My heart really hurts for you. I , too, have gone thru this and know what a difficult time it can be. The healing takes a while, but it does happen!


Thanks for all your sharing and openess. We are here for you.




good luck dear Linda

No matter what you do I hope you'll be happy at all times!


Hi Linda,


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopefully the New Years will work out better. Good Luck.




We love you Linda!!!!



Big fur hugs from Pennsylvania.






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