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Which planet are PETA on??????

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Before I start apologies to anyone who`s heard this before but it was new to me , even though I can`t work out how on earth I missed it at the time.

I was sorting through some old back issues of Fortean Times at the weekend when I came across this gem from April 2003 -


"Animal rights organisation PETA has offered the German port of Hamburg 10,000 euros (approximately



We should keep stuff like this in a separate area (oh no, not another sub-section of the forum) so that the links or articles are for everyone to refer to should they ever get into a discussion with a potential PETA contributor!


Moderators - any agreement




It's not quite as stupid as you think. They may not be offering much money for a name change, so ask yourself is it a serious offer?


PETA have access to millions. But it was damned cheap publicity. It could raise awareness, next time someone reads about PETA they'll pay more attention. Just like you. That's advertising. Only next time the article maybe be something more earth shattering to the reader, and there's a recruit, or a donation.


Don't write off these people as being stupid. Underestimating your enemy will cost you more than your coat.




I've done quite a bit of thinking about a place for these sort of things. If it was ever done it should be some sort of site "Library". But as you say, I don't think it fits on this area and thus I've no idea on how to to it. It does not fit into favorites. Another bunch of threads like this deal with "Travel destinations". I've wondered on how these could be kept seperate for future reference. If anyone has any thoughts let me know. If they are not sorted out they are gradually buried under so much info that they will never ever be found again.



Uranus or however you'd like to spell that.


Or maybe that Italian place .. Uppa U S!!


It's cold, gasious and no sunlight.


Shunts brain activity.




I think he's answering the question 'What planet are PETA on?' heh heh.


"Fishkill to Fishsave?"


LOL, that's priceless.


But, Trixie is right. These weirdo PR stunts actually probably work to some degree. On the intellectually deficient and easily manipulated. Ah, but we must never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. PETA or otherwise.

I've done quite a bit of thinking about a place for these sort of things. If it was ever done it should be some sort of site "Library".
Actually I am (slowly) working on an idea for what could become a reference library for this site. I will try to provide more info on this in about 6 months time.




Wise words indeed Tryxie. We should all take heed. History shows many battles lost through under estimation.



Good to hear about a 'library' type plan. A repository of this stuff would be an excellent reference. In the meantime, what about a quote 'cut and paste' forum to store them. Only quotes, no member writings?



In response to the title of this post -





I just made a seperate post on the subject you just mentioned but you may not have seen it here.


I've found a tiny hidden corner in an area of the Den where I can store the addresses of these posts that should be archived. Unfortunately it is not where you folks can see it as it is indeed so small, but it does exist. If you know of any posts in the New Den that should be saved, please just let any mod or admin know and we can do that. This could be favorite posts that just don't quite make the favorite area. Could be something in a quality post about the fur industry. Peta posts. Whatever.


If you know of one already made, or if you see one in the future, please let us know. Once this feature is up and running, we can take some time and move them back over then.


Thanks all


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