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Furriers in London


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Hi all,


I would really like to go into a furrier in London and try on a couple of fox coats but I am worried that they might look at me in a strange way because I'm a man wanting to try on a womans fur coat.


Has anyone here tried on any fur coats in London? Were they ok about it?


Has anybody got any suggestions?




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Go for it. I think you'll be surprised by the friendly reception you get.


If you're really worried about it, go to one that's out of the way or you've never been to. Then the worst that can happen is you never go back to a store you've only been in once. But I doubt that will happen.


Let us know how it goes for you.

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First off, I am not from London. However, people in the world are much the same.


Just go in and tell them that you are "interested in a new coat for myself".


They will likely ask what type of fur and length, etc. Then tell them that you have tried on coats of different types for yourself but none ever seem to look good at all. Maybe it is just that you seem to like fox, but you have tried on one or two when you looked awhile back, and you keep going back to thinking of fox as that is the type you really seemed to like. They will have you try on a couple of coats of other types I am sure. But just let them know that you do not like them.


*A word of caution. A very few furriers will just be too hung up on the fact men cannot wear furs. Unlikely you will get that but you might. They are just too old fashioned. If they seem too extremely negative at the start, and will not ask many questions, etc just move on. The next one will treat you ok.


What will happen is that they will finally show you a fox coat for an example of what they can make. When they do that, you are almost there. Just mention that it is really hard to know how a coat would look for colour, etc without trying something. Say "Would that one be big enough by chance for me to try on to get an example of how the fur and colour would look on me for instance?" They will likely say "Gee I don't know, but you can try it." It might be that one will be small but another will work. I even sometimes make a bit of a thing of having trouble demonstrating that I have trouble with the buttons as they are the wrong way. Just laugh about it a bit. Letting them know it is unusual. At that point they will be pulling every fox in a large size that they have on stock off the rack for you to try on. They will almost certainly realize just how some women's coats will look like men's coats on you, and that they can just sell you one of those and all will be ok.


NEVER go in and tell them it is for you sister, etc. That just spoils everything. "Why would you try on a coat you are buying for your sister?" Let them know right off that the coat is for you. You might even go into one or two smaller shops first to "Begin to feel easy about it" before you go into the bigger ones you particularly want to go to. Then you will feel very relaxed when you go into those.


Hope that helps.




P.S. As mentioned in another thread today. If they are so hung up on fox being so bad that they tell you it just will not work for a man, then go somewhere else. Again, so furriers are just living in the past. Chances of you finding one of those are so very remote. But it can happen. They might just say "This will not wear as good as coyote or beaver, but as long as you realize it will last for 8 years but not 20, you are still OK".

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Thanks guys for the advice! I feel much less anxious now about going in than before


I will let everyone know what happens!


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Several of my online fur friends have told me of one furrier in London who is always happy to welcome a man who is interested in buying furs for himself.


The firm is Gale Furs of 65 Regents Park Road, London NW1 8XD - telephone 0207 7225870


I have not yet been able to visit them, but the recommendations have been very strong, and I shall certainly go to see them when I next have the opportunity.


If you do follow this up, please do let us know how you get on.



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Not fur nothing, but YOU are the one buying the fur. As White mentioned, if you simply tell them that the fur is for you, and you really haven't made up your mind what you even like yet, any good furrier will give you plenty of help and time to find the right fur for you.



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I still maintain that if you use the ole "I'm looking for a jacket for my girlfriend" it is likely to be more believable. If you are more believable then it must follow that the sales person will give you more attention.


Anyway, that's my tuppence.


BTS - are the PETA freaks still outside Harrods?

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I second what lovingfurs says about Gale Furs in Regents Park Road. He - and his lovely wife - was very supportive when I went there a few years ago to try on some coats.


I recently had some of my fur coats cleaned at Noble Furs just off Regent St (3 New Burlington Place, LONDON, W1S 2HR, tel 020 7734 6394) and he's very receptive to guys trying on furs, too.


When it comes down to it, they want to make a sale, and in (fairly anti-fur) London, they're not going to get too fussy about whom they serve.

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Del Boy...


I still maintain that if you use the ole "I'm looking for a jacket for my girlfriend" it is likely to be more believable. If you are more believable then it must follow that the sales person will give you more attention.

I think it depends on what you are looking for. If you are truly looking for a coat for yourself, then here is the problem.


If you go in looking for a coat for your sister, why would you want to try it on for size? The instant you mention trying it on for size they will look at you with suspicion. They know that is a concocted story. Secondly once you try it on for size for 30 seconds you should take it off. There would be no need to look in a mirror, or look at the style on you. How color fits for you. There would be no need to have the sales person to suggest what might look good on YOU. He/she will suggest the things that would look good on a woman. Not a man. If you tell them it is for you, then they know it is for a man and will act accordingly and will realize you are being truthful with them. You can try on any coat in the store that fits, one right after the other with them helping you.


On the other hand if you are buying a coat for "fun" and not to wear outside for instance, then you can use that story if it makes you feel easier. It is just that if a sales person senses you are being dishonest with them they will not want to spend any time at all with you.


I've been in a fur store for as long as an hour trying on coats, etc. With never a bit of suspicion because they realize that I am wanting help, and that I am being truly honest with them. Almost never have teen the times that I went in and was dishonest. Because suddenly, once I have said it is for "My wife", they say to bring her in for instance. Or think. How many people would invest in a fur coat for their sister as a gift. It just rings dishonesty. It is just that it leads to a dead end every time very quickly.



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Once I had my first jacket fur lined I've never said I was fur shopping for anyone other than myself.


Well once when I had my CADD girl's coat made last year.


It's never been an issue except Schumacher's in Portland who went out of business



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I can add support for Gales Furs. They are really helpful and indeed I have been left alone downstairs where all the furs are stored. I have bought 2 foxes from there. They ar really nice and helpful. Nearest tube is Chalk Fram and the shop is 5 mins walk from the tube station.

If you want more precise directions let me know.

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Their link is on our "Furriers Section" in our Links area. That will have the actual address on it if anyone needs it. As I recall they are on directories but so not really have a web site of their own.



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As I recall they are on directories but so not really have a web site of their own.

I've yet to see a UK furrier with his own website. I think that because of the pervading anti-fur sentiments in the UK, business is not good enough for furriers to invest in the web, such as their counterparts in the USA and Canada can (and do).
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