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friday - evening UK time


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if anyone is FREE tonite-be good to chat....it could be around 7.30pm...more likely nearer 9.30pm...if u wish to show me your furs and i will show you mine via webcam

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Our chat is now up and running again. I don't think it was when we first came back on. As AK indicated this is all going to be a gradual process over the next week or so.


Gensil, I will try to get on, but if I can it will more likely be around 10 New York time. Probably about 4 hours after you go to bed. I do hope to be able to meet you there some time!



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bit of a wash out.....got home late.....sorry folks, anyone wants to chat, either in the den (cos thats a good place for it) or via msn, with webcam, please do let me know...will be online saturday evening around 11pm UK time..sunday morning around 8am UK time.

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