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It's my birthday soon...from Brandy-uk


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Soon.. I will be 43 years old.....


I hope some nie fur fans will be me a gift.....purrr purrrr





(In 3 weeks by the way)

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I certainly hope someone buys me a nice fur gift... I would certainly make it worth their while in free pictures and videos...


oh.. how cheap of me....to ask for gifts... but all girls love to be made to feel desired..






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43, I don't belive you, Surely you mean 33.


I would love to buy you a few pressies, may even wrap them up too!


Maybe you should make a wish list!!!!!


Furboy x

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I handled 30 very well - especially with having to deal with the c word that year. I handled 40 with style and grace. Then went to pieces over turning 50 last year. I wish I could take 7 years off...



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Congratulations Brandy! I hope the new year's a good one for you!


Although, I thought women started counting back down again once they reached a certain age? Some of my friends, started to count down, instead of up once they hit 30..

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I am very proud of my age.. I really have come into a new life since I hit 40..


the only reason I have a website and have loads of sexy piccies in fur is because i thought I had better give it a go.. before it all starts to sag!!! he he he


I just hope someone is kind to me this birthday.. he he


I already know what the hubby has got me... its good!!!!




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Happy almost Birthday Brandi.


My 43rd's coming up soon too. Hopefully someone gets you the present you want.


I'm hopping someone will do some nice pics in fur for me for my B/day. hint hint.

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I am very proud of my age.. I really have come into a new life since I hit 40..


I just hope someone is kind to me this birthday.. he he


I already know what the hubby has got me... its good!!!!





A person is only as old as they think they are. That and if the person is young on the inside, it will show on the outside as well. Now there are some exceptions to this rule and I'm sure we've all seem them at one time or another. Jeff Foxworthy nailed it during one of his standup performances, I think it was when the Blue Collar Comedy Tour was in D.C.

As for gifts, I can only agree that pleasant gifts are always nice but when it's fur or fur related, it's even better..

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