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FrBrg Get Well Soon

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On Monday the 25th, Frbrg(the great man who created the fur den) had major surgery. The Staff at Fur Fashion Guide want to wish him the best and a well and speedy recovery from this surgery.


We are pulling for you.

Get Well & Get Back here!

Eric & The FFG Moderators.

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A silent prayer for him.


BTW, that isn't necessarily a religious thing. Even an atheist can hope the laws pf probability work in someone's favor.

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Just an update. He asked us not to post about this so we followed his wishes.


He is home again and healing now. Hopefully we will hear from him again on site soon.


BrGr, Hope you are up and well enough to be chasing women all over the place now!



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Yes, the Bears and I have praying, silently in the background, for FrBrGr's fast recovery for a while, now.


He asked us not to make a big deal over this, presumably, because he didn't want us all to get too worried.


Now that the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, I can say that the Bears have their "Get Well Vibes" turned up to full power for you Fr! Take it easy and don't get TOO riled up chasing all those nurses around! Hang in there!


As Red Green always says, "I'm pullin' for ya'!"

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Thank you, Eric, and thank you, Denizens, for your kind and comforting words. Wow - ! This one started out as a minor surgery, and became a major surgery on the operating table. There were some unexpected complications which changed a one-hour procedure into a two-and-a-half-hour procedure. What was supposed to have been about a two-inch incision turned out to be a six-inch incision. Even with mega doses of Vicodin, I have been in incredible pain. Today, however, it appears that I am "coming out of the woods." Hopefully, I will not be having any more surgeries. Five last year (three major, two minor) and one major surgery this year are enough to last me for the rest of my life.


Once again, to all of my brothers and sisters in fur, thank you for your concern and for your kind words.

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Brg, Your welcome Old friend, Today is 1 year to the day sense my major cancer surgery and Im cancer free and still alive.I expect you and I will be around for a very Long time.

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Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. You have been through so much.


Keep us posted on how you are doing and know you are in our prayers.



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Again, LOL, what's going on? Hell you could have had a new body like the Bionic Man by now! Just kidding, so sorry to hear about your latest surgery. Take care my friend, we are all hoping and praying for your quick recovery. This better be the last one, right?



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I went through the 2" incision growing to an 8" one before they found what they were looking for. That was 34 tears ago and I wish you the same longevity !! Get well soon.

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