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If You Haven't Visited The Gallery ...


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Thanks JG


Just a quick note to those lurking out there. There are over 15,000 fur pictures in our Gallery, and they are free for the looking. All you have to do is join up. (You do have to wait up to 30 days though until the next "resync" is done before you see them. End of each month).


Come on in and join us. Take part in the forums. You will find we are just like you! And you will soon see those 15,000+ fur photos. All for free just for joining us here.


For those of you saying "There must be something wrong here!" Nope, there isn't. We do not report your IP to anyone. We do not sell your email. We do not demand money. We are just a group of people just like you. Who are having fun on our own little site.


So come on and join us. You will be so glad that you did!


White Fox


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Thanks JG


I've been spending a bit of time scanning and fixing lately with a treasure trove os several hundred vintage magazine fur ads.


There wiill gradually be more. Takes a bit of time for each. Some are nearly completely re 'painted'.


I scan them at 600dpi, then 'clean' them and touch them up. Contrast and/or sharpen then color correct.


I then shrink them to the size you see.


I do all this in GIMP but you can do the same in Photoshop.


Most of the pictures I post, even eBay pictures I do this to one extent or another.


Again thank you and hope more enjoy



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I'll admit that I've actually browsed most if not all in the gallery. There are a lot of nice pictures there of all types..

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Thanks JG


Just a quick note to those lurking out there. There are over 15,000 fur pictures in our Gallery, and they are free for the looking. All you have to do is join up. (You do have to wait up to 30 days though until the next "resync" is done before you see them. End of each month).



White Fox



I am sure it must have come up among the moderators in the discussions, but I have to say this: Why don't we have comments disabled in the gallery? In a few other places, I really enjoy what others had to say about the photos that I am looking at. There is also the possibility of rating the photographs, and if a critical mass is achieved, it would be a great way of sorting out the best pictures out of thousands.

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I don't want to be negative or even sound that way but.. theoretically, that may sound good and even kind of appealing. However the downside is there is a lot of work to do that. The programming changes that I'm sure it would take and the extra web space to enable that could be a issue.

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Gotta wait for the tech guys here on this one.


First off, that does take extra work for moderating as each of those messages need to a point be gone over. Yes, if we at some point see an entry by JG, we would know it was almost certainly ok. But it does still add a good bit of work.


I am not sure here but I believe that if a member adds a comment, that there is no record of that. Thus, staff have to keep going over messages from time to time to make sure all is ok. Without record there is no way to tell where a comment has been posted. And with 15,000 photos... you get the picture.


***I will wait for tech info on this one though. It is an interesting idea if it would work. I just seem to recall that there are things there that make it almost impossible.



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One of the main reasons we did not previously enable comments in the Gallery, is that we wanted to avoid the comments becoming an area for discussions which are more appropriate in the forums.


Disk space is also an issue, but not a major one at this time. We are currently using 55% of our allowed disk space on the server. Sufficient funds are available to rent more disk space if needed, but we want to avoid any such purchase until it is necessary.


The staff needs to discuss this to determine if also monitoring image comments would create too much additional work for our existing staff; and determine what rules would need to be implemented to keep comments as comments - not discussions.

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Well, I specifically had the woolfreaks galleries in mind when making the comments suggestion. I have noticed that it uses the the same software as our furden gallery (Coppermine), and at that gallery, one has to be logged in to view the pictures. Thus, when one leaves a comment, it is automatically registered under his/her username. To be sure, I have just checked some of my favorite picture-my username is still there alongside my comments.


For the ratings, I had the fotopic.net system in mind, which is simple and not intrusive. I don't know how easy or difficult it is under the Coppermine scheme, though.


As I find myself repeating, I am sure these discussions had been made among the site administrators, so please consider this as the rantings of a newcomer.


I can think of two main reasons for keeping a vigilant eye on the posted material, and this is not just restricted to the comments -images and forum postings, too. The first is legal. If someone posts a comment which would put the site administration under trouble, I don't know how valid the excuse "But the person, while joining our site, declared that he/she was not underage" would be. The second is just that none of us would want a distasteful or offensive post to appear in the furden. For me, it would be sufficient to have a "Report offensive/illegal material to the moderators" button or link on every page. I think the membership base is large enough to self-police the site. This would also relieve a huge load off the shoulders of the moderators -think of the coming months and years, not days and weeks.


Anyhow, this is already a great site, so thanks again!

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***Actually we are discussing this right now among the staff. I was just wondering if anyone else would want to join in on the discussion and give us comments.


As many of you know, we have two "Temp Forums" that we can open up for discussions on such things. and ANYONE can join us there. We do not generally open these things to everyone, as then it becomes impossible to get a consensus. However, If someone is interested in joining us in this discussion to give us ideas, etc. please let us know. I can let anyone in on the discussion if someone wishes to be included. One member, five, ten. Any combination is possible. Right now neither temp forum is being used nor has been for a long while for anything.


***Re member's name registered with a comment posted. Yes, we do realize that. The problem is that it is not easy to know if a member posted a comment to just one of 15,000 photos in the middle of the Gallery somewhere tonight for instance.


***Legal and under age. Everyone here is familiar with the fact that you have to wait up to a month to see the Gallery after joining our little site. On average we have a chance to see what a member does for 15 days before they see the Gallery. A security measure to fish out Extremists, under age folks, etc. Thus, this is not as big a problem as you might think. But, yes, it is a problem still somewhat.


***Offensive posts. Yes, indeed this is a problem. Moderators can only do their best to find these. We would not disallow negative comments at any time! But we would probably not encourage them. Moderators will probably not post negative comments.


***Report Button. The problem is that each time we make an alteration like this to coppermine, we have to go through the whole thing again when a new version comes along. Thus, anything like this is virtually impossible. First off, the work load is high. Secondly, with each new version the site would be off air for possibly weeks while the modification is "re-manufactured".


******One major problem is that all of this takes mod work. Thus, it would mean an extra one or two people to help with the Gallery. If someone is interested in doing this IF we were to proceed, please let me know. We also need a helper for OFF for transferring photos etc right now, so we still need at least one more helper in the Gallery even if this does not go ahead.


Once again, if anyone would like to join us in a discussion or help in this area IF we go ahead, please let me or another mod know via PM, and we can arrange it.


thanks all

White Fox

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I have commented on this before and I have offered my time and abilities. If they are needed, I am willing to help. I spoke for a while about this with Worker and he is relatively aware of my capabilities. If the moderators would like to know more about me and my background, simply let me know and I would be happy to share.

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Thanks Kappa


I'll get the temp forum ready, and let you in tomorrow. I'll send a PM when I have things set up.


We could use one more helper at least as well, so if someone else is interested please let me know.



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I remember talking about this with you and I am sure you would do the job well. But, as I think I told you, we have lost many good members this way!


I would certainly welcome your help!


A lot of times, if working on computers and taking care of websites isn't fun for a particular person, when they find out what taking care of this website is really like, they lose interest. In some cases we never hear from them again.


Just so you and everybody else understand... If you join up to help us take care of the gallery but, after a while, you find the job isn't what you thought it would be PLEASE just let us know. You can quit the job and nobody will hold it against you.


I think that some people feel bad because they took on the job but they found out they didn't like it, then they don't want to disappoint us by telling us they aren't cut out for it.


It's important that people who apply take the job seriously but, on the other hand, I think it's important to state this:


No harm... No foul!

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No harm... No foul!


It's a quote I try to live by, unfortunately not everyone takes it that way. I sent a PM to White Fox, expressing similar things I've shared with you. If I can lend a hand to help the forum out, I'm more than happy to do so. I may not be the wildest, or the most quiet but I do appreciate the forum for what it is.

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I may not be the wildest, or the most quiet but I do appreciate the forum for what it is.


Translation: "I have no life."



Qualification #1, AFIAC!


(Just kidding! Okay??)

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