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I have fund an amazing webisite


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We do allow you one free message now and then to advertise your site. However, we ask that you be open to tell members that you are promoting your own site, and that if you wish to advertise often, that you do it in our "Advertisement Thread" in the Den Forum


Good luck on your new site.



White Fox


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If anyone has signed up for this site please let us know.


The fact that they were dishonest in this post, never returned to reply, and at least some of the "furs" modeled are not real does make us ask some questions.


If you have seen the site please give us a report, either in this thread or via pm.





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  • 1 month later...

Hi friend,

seems to be ok, as the guy is member of my site, and told me about the making of his website, finding models etc. I'm waiting for preview photos to show on FourrureClub... wait and see


All the best



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Just for clarification...


If you own a website or if you are a principal partner of a website we will allow you to post an occasional announcement in the forums so you can tell others about it.


If you want to post regular announcements (AKA: "Updates") on a regular basis we only ask that you confine those messages to a designated location.


White Fox was concerned that "ilona16" was sniping.

(You "fly by" somebody else's website, plant a quick message then disappear.)


A lot of people do things like that but it is totally unnecessary at the Fur Den because we allow occasional announcements as long as it is YOUR website.


We do this because we want to encourage people to talk about furs and to spread the word about furs to other places. We just don't want the Fur Den to become an "Electronic Billboard" where there are nothing but advertisements and spam messages.

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