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New Fur Story from Worker 11811

Worker 11811

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Hey everybody!


I just posted a new fur story at Literotica.com and it went on line today!


Check it out!



As usual, your votes and commentary is appreciated!



BTW: If you want to read more of my fur stories on Literotica, check out this link:


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I appreciate that, thursday.


I was initially torn over the decision whether to write it as a first person or or second person story. I have had several people tell me to do it that way but I have resisted up until now.


I initially wrote it the other way but, the night before I posted it, I changed it.


To be honest, I'm not 100% satisfied with the way it came out.

It's "good" but not "great."


I think I might rewrite it and repost it.


I appreciate the feedback. It really does help!


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What is it? The work-a-day drudgery references that are funny? The surly postal workers? The Checkpoint Charlie reference?


Do you think I should change the story to third person?

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Hell no! It's very personal. There's only one actor!! Second or third person makes no sense.


Some of those writers at literotica get so obsessed over trivia sometimes it's maddening.


Left a note and vote blasting the nay sayers.


I've almost completed rewriting all my stories to first person and present tense.


To me the deadliest of story writing sins is to put it in past tense when it is clearly unfolding in the present. Literotica is full of them. Takes the edge off.



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