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Just wanted to let everyone know that with so many members here it can I am sure be extremely difficult to find non used names. We have changed the settings a bit here so now if a member has not entered the site for a year after joining, their membership will be removed. I want to point out that this does not forbid you from joining again if your membership was deleted. It is just that due to used name, data base space here, and a whole bunch of reasons, it is just much better to have this rule in place. If you wish to, you can simply join again using the same name if it is indeed available. These people are NOT banned.


Again, this does not take place until one year after you join, and will only happen if you do not return here.


White Fox


Yeah, I know from personal experience how bloated user lists can get with users who sign up only to never even come back.


thats good to really know who is a real member, and even if not posting at least joining and reading our forum.

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