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We have a new Senior Mod

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Posted (edited)

Members we have a new Senior mod here. Mr B has told me that he will gladly fill that position.

We are going to have a slightly different structure than you might be used to.

BrGr, our site owner, is going to be in the Den here more often to enjoy his time here. He will NOT be working with on site problems.

AK will be involved pretty much on tech stuff only.

I will be involved mostly in administration areas helping out when problems arise etc. .

And Mr B our senior mod will be involved more here on the different boards.


I am really looking forward to working with him and I know the mods will be as well. Mr B has shown endless dedication to all of these fur sites for so many years. He has certainly earned a chance to be in this position many times over.


Congratulations Mr B.


Edited by Guest

Mr B,


Congrat!! So happy you agreed!!



I started to post, "So happy to work under you!" But, figured that would be misunderstood!


Mr B, you're like a rock star! I'm very honored to be a part of something in which you're involved.


Hmmmmmm a rock star.... (trying to think of rock stars who wore/wear furs.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)


Johnny Cash?? nope.... Elvis?? nope.... The Beatles?? a couple did, and John and Yoko were rumoured to have a floor of furs... the floor under their apartment....


Yeah I could live with that.


Prefur to live with a couple of the female Rap singers though... hmmm there's another... Buster Rhymes... must see about finding that pic.... hmmmmmmmmm


Well there is Pete Sampras the tennis player. Oh no sorry that is his body hair.


(At one time it was a bit of a standing joke in Britain).









Good to be home, O Senior [den] Citizen. Er...Rock Star. I'll even love ya in 16 minutes.






Lil' Kim, Gwen Stefani, Jessica Simpson, Kid Rock. Just a few to add to the list.

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