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Miss T. on furbound.com!

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Just checked out the April update on furbound.com... it's Miss Theresa! Wonderful work Miss T. !:D

I absolutely love the outdoor shots! 8)

Keep up the good work!


p.s. i should warn people, there is nudity.


yes but somehow the nudity is beautiful not crude. Southern charms it aint.

Well done MissT.......an awesome shoot.

And well done Dragon for supporting MissT. Are we going to see more of that kind of artistic stuff on your site Dragon?


Highly recommend people to have a look.


OH MY Miss T.


I have to join.




A close friend of mine who is, to say it bluntly, less interested in my own interests in the tactile, visual, and mental stimulation fur provides and more interested the female body (clothed or not) took one look at the photos on my screen while I was looking at this thread (and checking into further details) and gushed for some time about how great Miss T looked wearing fur, to my amusement.


What can be said? At the risk of gushing myself, it's a safe bet that the site Miss T posed on is likely to get a few extra subscribers this month as I am totally in agreement. I've peeked at the freebies from time to time, somewhat enjoyed the models before (I *AM* a bit picky in what I'm looking for admittedly), and enjoyed the photos, but this month seems to be something special. There's something hard to describe about the look, almost ethereal, if that word seems appropriate, to Miss T and the furs just set this look off all the more. Like your other photo shoots, I found myself entranced by the images.


In any case I apologize if I've come off as being overly patronizing, but my friend seems to be, if for but the moment, a bit more turned on to the things that I've enjoyed and a bit more understanding of what I enjoy.


Furservant, I'm much obliged to you for pointing this out.


Miss T, congratulations on your shoot. I'm still stunned.




I am glad people like the pics, they were lots of fun to shoot. There is something so fun about running about naked under a long fur coat out in public, discretely - so that no one else sees ya... 8)


Ohhh Ms Theresa.... WOW!!


i think i'm gonna have to turn on my fan now after takeing a peek at the photo shots.... that TRUELY looks like a fun one *grinning* and as always You look stunningly beautiful and elegant!!


Your work is incredible as always, Miss T! Thank you!




Very nice work Miss T. Simultaneously elegant and provocative!


We are proud to represent Miss T...........

Future shoots are up to her, but I think you will see more!


I think that can be arranged. There are a few other things I must complete before taking on anymore projects, but working with Dragon & Cookie is a pleasure and I will gladly do so again.


Thanks for the good words Dragon!


Plz allow me to add my compliments! Very, very lovely, Miss Theresa! WOW! And great move on your part, Dragon, for putting the pics on your site! I, too, am looking forward to seeing more!


As I said we are very proud to have these fine images...

Very clean, and well done! Yeah burger, Definatley a touch of class for our site


Yes dragon

i must even get round to joining at some point.

You have really and truly added class to your site, and dignity and style etc etc.


And thats what fur is about.


More kind of marlene dietrich than southern charms.


Some of your images have enticed me a little...you were almost there, and I undersatnd you need to get a little mucky to make money. however please check out "Helmut fur" on your search engine if you want to proceed in a more classy direction, and leep up the good work with miss T.


You have the photographic ability...why not try some really arty black and whites, some burlesque dita etc.



And you can run the more porny alongside it so no probs.


Have you had some more people join since miss T?


I hope you have...and best of luck as I think you deserve it...its not many businesses these days that go upmarket instead of lowest common denominator.


Congratulations on a very fine shoot, both Dragon and MissT.


Cookie is the real talent..............

Not I..........I am a "biz geek" Dragon





I couldn't agree more allfurme


thanks for the good words all... and don't be fooled - no one represents me but me. i shot those pics for dragon and cookie, but they don't represent me. after re-reading a bit of the posts, i have to clear that up.




Congratulations on the great feedback.




You look maavelous in white mink Linda.




Thanks, OFF


Needed a "Summer" look!




Very Lovely Pics!

I wished I looked half as good as you do Miss T.

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