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Can someone help us?

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I mentioned on another forum that we have found a couple of old web pages from Melody away back. One at the moment is still unavailable but I am hoping to somehow someway bring it back.


the other though had a huge list of links on it. We would really like some helpers to go through some of those links and tell us whether they are good or not. And then later, confirm if they are on our present links page or not. It might be a little while before we know exactly how we want to do this (3 days maybe?) but we will be needing some help. Is there anyone out there who will come to the aid of the Fur Den here?


You will indeed be handsomely paid as we have decided to tripple your present salary for posting here for helping us with this. If we could have maybe 6 or 8 helpers it would really help us out here.


If you can help could you please post here or send me a pm? If we can all divide this up it might not take very many hours for each of us to do it. If we do not divide it up the job will be a nightmare.


Thanks all

White Fox


As I've previously mentioned, you can count me in.


I'd be happy to help. Count me in too.


I would be willing to help anytime!!!!


We were just about ready to start with this project when Melody went down again, and unfortunately all of that info is stored there in the "Guts" of Melody where no one can see it.

So unfortunately we have to wait til it comes back on.


Once it comes back I'll re-organize things to get going, and get back to you.


Thanks All



I see a lot of people wanting to help, but if you still need a helping hand, count me in aswel.


We probably have enough now.

I am hoping that Melody will be up and running on the weekend for their sake as well as to get this going. If they are not we may do another project first that you can help us out on.


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