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Marilyn Monroe : An Icon in Furs

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Hey Samurman ! Again kudos on expanding the Marilyn in furs thread and collection with your much appreciated HQ images.

Your research and attention to detail in completing sets is amazing - many of your images I have never seen before, and as you might imagine I keep looking . :


I thought I might pick up where your heavy lifting has left off (for the instant moment) by posting links to an extraordinary photo session that was the last session Marilyn ever completed. The photo graphs are by Bert Stern and they have just recently appeared in HQ on the net . These were originally posted by Cookie who's efforts I am pleased to acknowledge. Marilyn is working with a heavy very rich chinchilla fur here. I have read that the original intention was a fashion magazine editorial (perhaps "Vogue") in any event, they were not published in that venue. The images are a fascinating catalog of Marilyn's emotional range and perhaps a peak into her turbulent emotional state inner state within weeks she would be dead of a claimed overdose of sleeping pills ....



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More to follow



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The last photo shoot with Bert Stern

The fox fur images , there are 23 images extent from the Bert Stern photoshoot , the very last images nine shown here were taken with Marilyn wearing and "posing" with thick fox fur lined coat, perhaps it was intended to be reversible(?) Through out the sequence Marilyn looks unbalanced, in the first image her eyes are heavy lidded and her right shoulder is down and forward. Notice in the second image how she has one white kid opera glove resting her hip and how she has secured the fur with her left shoulder the free edge of the fox caressing her left cheek. Image three is more in equipoise, Marilyn is holding the voluptuous fox lining outward draping the fur in a line up to her dress creating the illusion of a long dress when in fact her skirt is just knee length. In four the ingenue is back, with glove hand supporting her chin and her left arm comfortably drawing the soft fox in toward her torso. Notice also the raised left left knee and lower led almost as she is trying to stroke the fur lining with her left foot. Image five the fur lining has now been turned into a stole, much like the luxurious white fox stole that she wore for the premier of "How to marry a Millionaire", but his is little girl lost Marilyn, her hair askance and her usually flawless make up missing.


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Finally Marilyn spreads her fur wings, chin up, hooded eyelids looking to the camera , chest forward , perhaps saying "See me, see my fur, come get me...."

Just speculation and after the fact hypothesis spinning but I am struck how different an atmosphere seems to penetrate this photoshoot, and how more psychological the tone is compared with the exuberance and celebration she seemed to experience when shooting in furs with Richard Avedon.


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Again thanks to Samurman (!) for the re invigoration of the Marilyn in furs thread and to Cookie for originally posting these thought provoking images of Marilyn in furs.


I'd be curious if Den members see the same sorts of themes in these last photoshoot images or have other observations to offer.


All the best




Once again, a huge thank you to Roninphy for contributing this priceless collection, and now a huge thank you to Samurman for not only bumping it up to the top, but for adding to the collection with equally remarkable photographs! Roninphy's original collection has already been archived in our wiki; I would hope that Samurman's additions would be placed there as well . . . Gentlemen, job very, very well done - ! " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" />


It's far from over! The supply of Marilyn Monroe images with fur seems endless! In this post, I will cover the year 1955 in Marilyn's fur adventure, and contains more than 60 images, many of them very high quality scans (and gigantic file sizes!).


7 January 1955, Press Conference For Marilyn Monroe Productions

She is wearing a pure white fur coat, mink I suppose...


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26 January 1955, At The Gladstone Hotel

A fantastic view of Marilyn in her dark mink coat! Her fur coat rests on her shoulders in a sensuous pose!





26 January 1955, Trip To Boston With Ex-Husband Joe DiMaggio





26 February 1955, Jackie Gleason's Birthday Party




March 1955, Ed Feingersh Photoshoots in NYC, In The City

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March 9, 1955, East Of Eden Premiere

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24 March 1955, Resting in Her Hotel Room

roninphy has posted two images from this set, but anyways, I love these images so much because they are so intimate:)


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24 March 1955, Attending The Cat On A Hot Tin Roof Premiere

It seems this set was taken moments after the one above.


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1 April 1955, Edward R Murrow's Person To Person TV Interview

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1955, The Seven Year Itch, Production

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1 June 1955, The Seven Year Itch Premiere

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December 1955, Milton Greene Photoshoots, With Maurice Chavalier

Well, Marilyn is not in fur, but she is posing next to a fox stole, so that's why I have included this set here:)


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December 1955, Milton Greene Photoshoots, white fur

These are among the best known and loved Marilyn shots in fur. roninphy has already posted them, but they are here for "completeness"


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13 December 1955, The Rose Tattoo Premiere, With Marlon Brando


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1955, Gene Lester photoshoot

Come to think of it, Marilyn using a fur stole as pillow! (Warning, some images below are over 5MB!)


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1955, Richard Avedon Photoshoot

The fox stole Marilyn wraps her body in is HUGE!


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this is my favorite thread of all the fur den! thanks for all you guys for finding and posting these for everyones pleasure!

  • 3 months later...

Now, where were we?


The following two are undoubtedly from a movie set, but which movie, I have not yet determined.


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These are also undated, but judging from the second pic in color, they must belong to the late phase of her life:

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Macbeth in New York City, 6 February 1962



Further miscellaneous pics:

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Returning to exploring Marilyn's life in furs in chronological order...




Leaving NYC For LA, 25 February 1956

In the first pic, her fur coat looks as magnificent as a Russian sable, but other pics reveal the fur to be mink.

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Arrival at LA, 25 February 1956

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Arrival in NYC a Day After Her 30th Birthday, 2 June 1956

Marilyn wearing a full length mink coat in June?!!

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Further pics of Marilyn in fur on the set of Bus Stop

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Marilyn photographed by Bob Beerman on the set of Bus Stop

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The New Watergate Club, 10 September 1956

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At the Royal Court Theater in London, 19 November 1956

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Leaving London, 21 November 1956

The third image is so sharp you can actually tell a lot about the construction of the fur coats in it!

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Baby Doll Promotion at The Actor's Studio, 18 December 1956

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Baby Doll Premiere, 18 December 1956



Marilyn in Court, Undated

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Leaving NYC For Jamaica, 3 January 1957

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Returning from Jamaica, 17 January 1957



The Prince and the Showgirl Publicity Photos

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Fantastic as always! It seems that there's just no end to the photos of MM in furs!!!



  • 2 months later...

three photos from an Oscar ceremony, possibly early 1950s:


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  • 11 months later...
Posted (edited)

Well, it's been nearly a year since I posted in this thread, but images of Marilyn in fur seem like they will never end!


Here, my latest finds. In the first set, she looks quite tired and "old", I mean not old physically but psychologically worn out, but still incredibly beautiful. She is no longer the youthful, cheery young starlet. She has become the most famous actress of her time, and it is clear from the pictures she knows it, but then fame rarely brings happiness and joy...

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And this, with her baseball player husband Joe DiMaggio:



Edit: Ooops! I was eyeing for my 600th post at the Fur Den, but looks like I passed it without noticing, as this is my 601th post! Yay!

Edit #2: I have now found out that the above set is from the famous birthday party of JFK where Marilyn sang "Happy birthday Mr President"!

Edited by Guest

No signs of stopping! We are now in 1959 in Marilyn's life.


At Carson McCuller's Home, 5 Feb 1959

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Some Like It Hot preview, 6 Feb 1959

th_49304_MarilynMonroe_SomeLikeItHotPreview_Feb-06-1959_01_122_336lo.jpg th_49367_MarilynMonroe_SomeLikeItHotPreview_Feb-06-1959_02_122_35lo.jpg


With the Crystal Star award



Chicago Press Promotion Tour For Some Like It Hot, 18 Mar 1959

(I especially like the third image. I like to imagine Marilyn as Don Monroe, the matriarch of the Monroe mafia!)

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Stills and Photoshoots for Some Like It Hot

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Premiere of Some Like It Hot 5 Apr 1959

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Arrival in LA for Fox Studios & Krushchev Party 9 Sep 1959

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Arrival in LA For Filming of Let's Make Love

Could she be wearing a stole with lynx trim? It's hard to decide if it's lynx dyed fox or realy lynx, but it is somewhat unusual for her to pick a fur other than white fox and mink...

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  • 1 month later...

This is wonderful!! Marilyn is one of My favourite actresses, and a huge inspiration!! I will have to look for the Jayne Mansfield post, LOVE Jaynie ♥


Lots of fox; lots of mink; but I have never seen a picture of her wearing sable (that I am aware of)...


Neither have I, but I have seen photos of her in chinchilla and beaver.

  • 4 years later...

Resurrecting an old thread is fun!


These are from the 1955 Gene Lester photoshoot, and some of them may not have been featured in this thread:

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